A cigarette is a cylindricalrolledpaper containing dried and shredded tobacco leaves
Mainstream smoker - smoke inhaled directly by the person usingthetobaccoproduct
Secondhand smoke - includes sidestream smoke which refers to the smoke coming from a nearby lit tobacoo and exhaled smoke which refers to the air that a smoker exhales after using a tobacco product
Short terms effect of smoking
bad breath
Shortness of breathing
long term effects of smoking
In women: menstrual problems
In men: erectile problems
problems affecting the heart and blood vessels
Alcohol is an intoxicating substance produced by the fermentation of grains and fruits.
The four types of alcohol are ethyl, denatured, isopropyl, and rubbing.
ethylalcohol or ethanol is an intoxicating ingredient found in beer, wine, and liquor. Alcohol is produced by the fermentation of yeast, sugars and starches
Shortterm of alcohol
Breathing difficulties
Blackout (memory loss)
Loss term of alcohol
Unintentionalinjuries such as car crashes, falls, burns, drowning
Cancer of the mouth and throat
Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) - refers to the percent of alcohol on person's bloodstream. It can be measured by breath, blood or urine test.
Riskfactors are characteristic at the biological, psychological, family, community, or cultural level that precede and are associated with a higher likelihood of negative outcomes.
Natural Method
Abstinence - nothavingsexualintercourse
Withdrawal - pulling a penis from the vagina before releasing semen
CalendarMethod - monitoringthemenstrualcycleofthe women
Pregnancy Spacing - couples may choose to space pregnancy after3years
Artificial Method
Condom and Birth control pills - use to prevent the sperm from reaching the ovum.
Tubal Ligation - to blockthefallopiantube of the female
Vasectomy - to cut off and tie the vas deferens of male