The underlying meaning or lesson conveyed by the drama
The reason or intention behind creating the drama
Target Audience
An identifiable group of people at whom a drama is aimed
Relates to both purpose and focus
Considerations for Target Audience
Generalaudiences (All ages, male and female)
Specificaudiences (e.g. a play on bullying might be aimed at teenagers)
Youngeraudience (fantasy adventure or puppet play)
Relevanttoallagegroups (war or global warming)
Your drama will only be effective if it is suitable for your target audience
Characterisation techniques/rehearsal activities
Activities done during the rehearsal process to develop your characterisation and knowledge of your characters background
Characterisation techniques
Hot Seating - Answering questions in role
Character Card - Create background information for your character: job, likes/dislikes
Improvisation - Spontaneous dialogue
RolePlay - Deciding roles and outcome in advance before improvising
Role on the Wall - Create inner/outer life for character, written on a human shape
Mood andAtmosphere
The overallfeeling and emotion which should be translated to the audience
Role Play
A means of exploring the attitudes and beliefs of a character
Drama Conventions
Monologue (to the audience/another character)
Soliloquy (Speaking to themselves, Shakespeare plays)
FreezeFrame (a moment in the action e.g. a car accident)
Voiceover - a character can be heard but not seen
Tableaux (A living picture - still image to show an action/moment/ in a story)
Narration - breaking the 4th wall andtalking directly to the audience
SplitStage - 2 or more locations shown at once
The reason behind a character'sactionsand/behaviours in a given scene or throughout a story
A part of the narrative where the conflict reaches a turning point of some kind
The position of the acting area relevant to the audience
The place where you would perform the drama
Performance Concept
An overall idea for the characterisation for a final performance, made through voice and movement decisions, relationships decisions and mood and atmosphere decisions