Walls of hollow organs, blood vessels, eye, glands, skin
Single nucleus centrally located
Notstriated, involuntary, gap junctions in visceral smooth
Cardiac muscle
In the heart only
Singlenucleus centrally located
Striations, involuntary, intercalateddisks
Muscular System Functions
Body movement
Heart beat
Properties of Muscle
Contractility - Ability of a muscle to shorten with force, it DOES NOT produce force by lengthening/pushing
Excitability - Capacity of muscle to respond to a stimulus
Extensibility - Muscle can be stretched to its normal resting length and beyond to a limited degree
Elasticity - Ability of muscle to recoil to original resting length after stretched
Cardiac Muscle
Branching cells
One/two nuclei per cell
Medium speed contractions
Smooth Muscle
Fusiform cells
One nucleus per cell
Slow, wave-like contractions
Skeletal Muscle
Long cylindrical cells
Many nuclei per cell
Rapid contractions
A little less than half of the body's mass is composed of skeletal muscle, with most muscles linked to bones by tendons through which the forces and movements developed during contractions are transmitted to the skeleton.
Muscle Proteins
Contractile Proteins (actin and myosin)
Regulatory Proteins (i.e. tropomyosin and troponin)
Structural Proteins (i.e. Titin)
A hexamer: 2 myosin heavy chains, 4 myosin light chains
Myosin head
Retains all of the motor functions of myosin, i.e. the ability to produce movement and force
Working stroke produced by opening and closing of the nucleotide binding site, resulting in rotation of the regulatory domain (neck) about a fulcrum (converter domain). Sub-nanometer rearrangements at active site are geared up to give 5-10 nm displacement at the end of the lever arm.
Skeletal Muscle Functions
Produce movement
Maintain posture & body position
Support Soft Tissues
Guard entrance / exits
Maintain body temperature
Store nutrient reserves
Makes up aprox. 40% of body weight
Sarcoplasmic Reticulum (SR)
Fluid filled sacks that encircle each myofibril, similar to the smooth endoplasmic reticulum in other cells
Terminal cisterns (cistern-reservoir)
Dilated ends of SR, butt against T tubule from both sides
T tubule and 2 terminal cisterns on either side of it
Satellite cells
Myoblasts that remain, they maintain (repair, etc.) skeletal muscle fibers
Mature muscle fibers range from between 10 to 100 micrometers in diameter. The "typical" muscle fiber is around 4 inches (10cm). There are muscle fibers that are up to a foot (30cm) long.
The plasma membrane of a muscle cell
Transverse tubules (T tubules)
Invaginations of the sarcolemma that tunnel from the surface of the fiber to the center of the muscle fiber, open to the outside and filled with interstitial fluid
Cytoplasm of the muscle fiber
Contractile element of the skeletal muscle fibers, have prominent striations (stripes)
The basic functional unit of the myofibril
Z discs
Narrow plate-shaped regions of dense material that separate sarcomeres from each other
Thick and thin filaments overlap one another to varying degrees, dependent on whether the muscle is contracted, relaxed or stretched. The pattern of this overlap creates the striations that are characteristic of skeletal muscle.
Sliding Filament Model
Actin myofilaments sliding over myosin to shorten sarcomeres, actin and myosin DO NOT change length, shortening sarcomeres responsible for skeletal muscle contraction
Elastic components
Include titin molecules, connective tissue around muscle fibers (endomysium, perimysium and epimysium, as well as tendons
Isometric contractions
Where the myosin heads rotate and generate tension but thin filaments are unable to slide toward M line due to excessive opposing tension
Isotonic contractions
Result in the shortening of the muscle
Motor unit
Composed of one motor neuron and all the muscle fibers that it innervates
The fewer the number of fibers per neuron, the finer the movement (more brain power)
Slow motor units
Contain slow fibers with myosin that has long cycle time and uses ATP at a slow rate, many mitochondria for efficient performance of repetitive slow isotonic contractions
Fast motor units
Contain fast fibers with myosin that has rapid cycling rates, for higher power or when isometric force produced by slow motor units is insufficient
Muscle is plastic! Muscle "adapts" to meet the habitual level of demand placed on it, i.e. level of physical activity.
Increase muscle use through endurance training or strength training, decrease muscle use through prolonged bed rest, limb casting, denervation, or space flight.
Type 2A fibers
Fast and adapted for producing sustained power
Type 2X fibers
Faster, but non-oxidative and fatigue rapidly
2X/2D not 2B
Modified from Burke and Tsairis, Ann NY Acad Sci 228:145-159, 1974