Reference Groups - A group of comparison point where we measure our behaviors and attitudes, guide our behavior, and identify social norms.
INFORMAL REFERENCE GROUPS - It is based on the groups shared interests and goals. Members react on a personal level.
FORMAL REFERENCE GROUPS - Have a specific goal or mission.
MEMBERSHIP REFERENCE GROUPS groups that are in agreement with in regards to attitude, norms, and behaviors
DISCLAIMANT REFERENCE GROUPS group we do not agree with in regards to attitude, norms, and behaviors
ASPIRATIONAL REFERENCE GROUPS a group of individuals doesn’t belong to but aspires to become a part of it in the future
DISSOCIATIVE REFERENCE GROUPS a group an individual doesn’t belong to and disapproves of in regards to attitudes, norms, and behaviors
Social Network - A social structure refers to an individual's complete set of relationships with others, encompassing casual acquaintances to close familial bonds.
MICRO The micro level of social networks typically begins with an individual and is divided into four levels.
MESO This level of analysis begins with a population size that falls between the micro and macro levels.
MACRO Generally, traces the outcomes of interactions, such as economic or other resource transfer interactions over a large population.
Social distance- used to measure the degree of closeness or acceptance we feel toward other group.
DYADIC LEVEL – social relationship starts with two individuals
TRIADIC LEVEL – social relationship starts with three individuals
ACTOR LEVEL – the smallest unit of analysis in a social network is an individual in their social setting
SUBSET LEVEL – may focus on distance and reachability
ORGANIZATIONS – group of people that has distributive tasks for a collective goa
SCALE FREE NETWORKS – a network whose degree, distribution follows a power law, at least asymptotical.
. Patrilineal – family that traces its ancestry from the paternal or father’s side.
. Matrilineal - family that traces its ancestry from the maternal or mother’s side.
Bilineal –family that traces its ancestry from both paternal and maternal side.
Kinship by Marriage - Marriage establishes relationships with the girl and her family members, binds both the person and their family members to the girl.
Monogamy – Marriage in which there is only one wife and one husband at a time.
Nuclear family – a family unit that consists of a single couple or monogamous family,
. Extended family – a family unit that consists of the husband and wife with their children, and their relatives like in-law
. Reconstituted family – a family unit that consists of one or both parents who have a child or children from a previous relationship or past marriage
Single parent family – a family unit which is headed by one parent
Reciprocity- When you give something away, you expect something in return.
Transfers - When resources from an individual or organization are given to one another with no expectation of return, an economic transfer is in place.
Redistribution - When the resources of one, several individuals, or groups are collected and distributed proportionally or equally to participating members.
Market Transactions - Market is referred to as the exchange of goods and services that involves buying and selling processes.