communication between you and several other people
public communication
communication among a relatively small number of people and includes both dynamic and small group communication
interpersonal communication
two-person communication
dynamic communication
the nature of communication
communication is a process
communication occurs between two or more people (speaker and receiver)
communication can be expressed through written or spoken words, actions, or both spoken and noverbal actions
what is s in berlo's smcr model
what is source?
source is the sender or the person or group who decides to communicate with another person
what is m in berlo's smcr model?
what is message?
a communication in writing, in speech, or by signals.verbal or non-verbal content that must be encoded by the sender and decoded by the receiver
what is c in berlo's smcr model?
what is channel?
the medium by which the message is delivered and received (5 senses)
what is r in berlo's smcr model?
what is receiver?
the person to whom a message is directed
a response from the receiver indicating whether a message has been received in its intended form
any stimulus that interferes with the communicators ability to achieve understanding
type of barrier (doors that are closed, distance, walls)
physical barriers
type of barrier (subconsciously sabotaging your effort to make your point. You will employ language that is sarcastic, dismissive, or even obtuse, thereby alienating your conversational partner.)
perceptual barriers
type of barrier (Fear, empathy and vulnerability)
Emotional barriers
type of barrier (different cultures, whether they are a societal culture of a race or simply the work culture of a company, can hinder developed communication if two different cultures clash)
type of barrier (communication using heavy jargon or technical language)
type of barrier (the possibility for a man to misconstrue the words of a woman, or
vice versa)
gender barriers
type of barrier (poor self-image or a series of deeply rooted prejudices about their place in the world.)
interpersonal barriers
model that includes ethos, pathos, logos
aristotle's model
example of aristotle's model
4 elements of aristotle's model
the model that is used for mass communication (who, said what, in which channel, to whom, with what effect)
lasswell's model
5 elements of lasswell's model
communicator (who)
message (sayswhat)
medium (inwhichchannel)
receiver (towhom)
effect (withwhateffect)
model that was based on telephone communication
shannon-weaver model
6 elements of shannon-weaver model
information source
transmitter (encoder)
recevier (decoder)
noice source
model that is a two-way circular communication and puts emphasis on the process of encoding and decoding message
schramm's model
elements of schramm's model
A) encoder
B) interpreter
C) decoder
D) communicator
E) message
F) decoder
G) interpreter
H) encoder
I) recipient
J) feedback
model that introduces field of experience
schramm's model
model that expanded shannon and weaver's model
berlo's model
model that provided factors affecting individuals' commmunication-making
berlo's model
what is the only communication model that involves two-way communication
schramm's model
a type of communication model that is a linear, one-way communication process
transmission model
model that views the receiver's role as an end point rather than part of an ongoing process
transmission model
model in which participants alternate
positions as sender and receiver and
generate meaning by sending messages
and receiving feedback within physical
and psychological contexts
Interactive Model
model that incorporates feedback: interactive, two-