ict - deals with theuseofdifferenttechnological invention as well as software and application to locate
www - is an interconnectedsystemofpublicwebpagesaccessiblethroughtheInternet. It was invented by Sir Tim Berners-Lee in 1989.
Web 1.0 or The Web. It is a flatorstationarypage since it cannot be manipulated by the user
The Social Web. It allowsuserstointeractwiththepage, the user may be able to comment or create a user account
Semantic Web. The semanticwebprovidesaframeworkthatallowsdatatobeshared and reuse to deliver web
FOLKSONOMY- allows userstocollectivelyclassifyandfindinformationusingfreelychosenkeywords (e.g. "tagging" by facebook).
RICH USER EXPERIENCE- dynamic content that is responsivetouser
USER PARTICIPATION- the ownerofawebsiteisnottheonlyonewhocanputcontentaswell, others are able to place a content on their own by means of comments, reviews, and evaluation.
LONG TAIL- services that are offeredondemandratherthanonaonetimepurchase. This is synonymous to subscribing to a data plan
SOFTWARE AS A SERVICE- users will subscribetoasoftwareonlywhenneededratherthanpurchasingthem.
Convergence– is the synergyoftechnologicaladvancementstowork on a similar goal or task.
Social Media– is a website, application, oronlinechannelthatenableswebuserstocreate
Social Networks. These sites allowyoutoconnectwithotherpeople with the same interests or background
Bookmarking Sites. These are sitesthatallowyoutostoreandmanagelinks to various websites and resources.
Social News. These are sitesthatallowuserstoposttheir own newsitems or links to other news sources
Media Sharing. These are sitesthatallowyoutouploadandsharemediacontent like images, music, and video.
Microblogging. These are sitesthatfocusonshortupdatesfromthe user.
Blogs and Forums. These are websitesthatallowuserstoposttheircontent.
Mobile TechnologiesThe popularityofsmartphonesandtablets has taken a major rise over the years
Assistive Media is a nonprofitservicedesigned to helppeoplewhohavevisualandreading impairments
Netiquette is a set of idealrulesandconductthatanetizenshouldobserve in communicating and/or publishing information and materials over the World Wide Web and in ICT in general.