Ian experienced severe difficulties due to nerve destruction in muscles, tendons, and joints, leading to the loss of sensing body position
Somatosensory system
Includes cutaneous senses (touch and pain), proprioception (body position), and kinesthesis (body movement)
Cutaneous senses are crucial for daily activities, injury protection, and even sexual arousal
Social touch, a subset of cutaneous perception, can have positive effects
Skin sensations are deemed as important for daily functioning and survival as sight and hearing
The heaviest organ in the human body, serves multiple functions including warning of potential dangers, preventing body fluids from escaping, and protecting against bacteria, chemicals, and dirt
The outer layer of the skin, consisting of tough dead skin cells
The layer beneath the epidermis, containing mechanoreceptors that respond to mechanical stimulation like pressure, stretching, and vibration
Many tactile perceptions from skin stimulation stem from them, located in the epidermis and dermis
Merkel receptors
Fire continuously as long as the stimulus is present, responsible for perceiving details, shape, and texture
Meissner corpuscles
Fire only upon stimulus application and removal, involved in controlling handgrip and detecting motion across the skin
Ruffini cylinders
Perceive stretching of the skin
Pacinian corpuscles
Detect rapid vibrations and fine texture
Perception of texture often involves coordinated activity of different types of neurons working together
Unlike other senses with specific locations, cutaneous receptors for touch are spread throughout the body
Signals from the skin travel to the brain
1. Signals from the entire body are sent to the spinal cord via bundles of fibers called dorsal roots
2. Signals then travel to the brain through two main pathways: the medial lemniscal pathway and the spinothalamic pathway
3. Medial lemniscal pathway carries signals for limb position and touch via large fibers
4. Spinothalamic pathway carries signals for temperature and pain through smaller fibers
The case of Ian Waterman highlights the separate functions of these pathways: he lost touch and limb position sensation but retained pain and temperature perception
Fibers from both pathways cross over to the opposite side of the body during their journey to the brain and synapse in the thalamus
Primary somatosensory cortex (S1)
One of the areas that receive signals from the thalamus
Secondary somatosensory cortex (S2)
Another area that receives signals from the thalamus
Signals also travel between S1 and S2, and to other areas like the insula and the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), handling light touch and pain
Hughlings Jackson noted orderly seizures, hinting at brain maps; later, Penfield mapped them via surgery
The body map showing how adjacent skin areas link to adjacent brain areas, with some areas represented larger
Cortical magnification factor
Like the fovea's representation in vision, parts like fingers have a larger representation on the somatosensory cortex
Recent research shows S1 divided into four areas, each with its map and functions
Although great strides have been made in computer vision, computers still can't perceive as well as humans
Problem of computers
Lacking the extensive knowledge base that humans naturally accumulate from birth
When confronted with unfamiliar objects, the computer may only identify them based on superficial similarities
Early computer scientists believed they could quickly achieve human-like perception in computers within a decade due to the seeming simplicity of human perception
The experiences that result from stimulation of the senses
Commonly associated with basic processes occurring at the onset of sensory systems, like when light enters the eye, sound waves reach the ear, or food touches the tongue. It involves elementary experiences
Linked to intricate processes that encompass higher-order mechanisms, including interpretation and memory, often occurring in the brain. It involves the higher brain functions involved in interpreting events and objects
Perceptual Process
Starts with a stimulus in the environment and ends with the conscious experiences of perceiving, recognizing, and acting with respect to the object
Neural processing
Involves not just understanding the workings of neurons but also their interactions and operations within different brain areas
The perceptual process is considered simplified because its steps don't always unfold in a linear sequence
Perception and recognition may occur simultaneously or even in reverse order, challenging the conventional one-follows-the-other notion
Distal stimulus
The actual object or event present in the external world that gives rise to the proximal stimulus
Proximal Stimulus
The raw sensory data that the perceptual system processes to create a meaningful perception of the external world
Receptor processes
Include transduction and the shaping of perception by the properties of the receptors
Neural Processing
Involves interactions between the electrical signals traveling in networks of neurons
Behavioral response
Includes perception, recognition and action which are generated