Reading And writing

Cards (44)

  • Critical reading allows us to extend our experiences
  • process and knowledge acquired through evaluation, analysis, and conclusions.
  • Inductive reasoning is the logic used here is from specific to general
  • Deductive reasoning is the logic used from general to specific
  • Abductive reasoning is the multiple choices that are available here
  • Fiction is a literature that contains imaginary people, events, and stories
  • Characters are the figures in the story
  • Setting is the combination of place, time, and local color
  • Plot is the sequence of events that transpired in a story
  • Conflict is the struggle of ideas and forces in a story
  • Evaluative statements weigh facts, form conclusions, and give judgements on the written text
  • How does one become a critical reader and thinker? by asking questions, finding the facts, and attaching statements
  • Thesis is a statement that acts as a premise to be maintained or proved
  • Antithesis is the reaction to a thesis and acts as a negation
  • Synthesis provides a solution to a conflict between a thesis and an anti thesis
  • Steps in making evaluative statements is 1. Read. 2. Collect and organized 3. Look for relationships between facts 4. Look for the significance of the relationship
  • Assertion means a declaration or a strong statement that an idea is true
  • Evidence includes information from recources you gathered
  • analysis is your concluding observation in your thesis
  • counter claims is the product of critical thinking
  • its objective or purpose is to persuade, convince, or explore
  • An argument is a combination of asserting, acknowledging, confirming, and refuting
  • Persuasion is the art of influencing someone to make changes in their behavior
  • Formal fallacy has the appearance of good argument
  • Informal fallacy exploits the emotional and psychological weaknesses of an audience
  • Appeal to fear can affect change one's attitude
  • Appeal to flattery is appealing to the aspired consequences
  • Appeal to novelty is appealing to what is trending
  • Appeal to ridicule is appealing to present an opponents argument as ridiculous and absurd
  • Appeal to emotion this involves the manipulation of others emotion
  • Appeal to disgust appealing in the guise of moral uprightness
  • appeal to spite is appealing to pride
  • Appeal to authority is appealing to one who speaks with authority
  • appeal to coherence is appealing to something undispituable
  • Appeal to consensu is appealing to what people believe to be true
  • Appeal to consistency doesn't mean that if one is consistent,. he speaks the truth
  • Appeal of correspondence is appealing to almost likeness which makes it valid
  • Appeal of custom is the commonly done or regularly followed rules.
  • Appeal to intuition is the appeal focused on the sudden rush of feelings or ideas
  • Appeal to common practice is the more the followers the more an idea closest to truth