Something that covers almost all of human activities such as politics, beliefs, economics, lifestyle, social life, whether the individuals or groups of people are aware of it or not
Something such as an interest or fashion that is very popular for a short time
Fidget spinners
Trend setter
Someone or something that starts or causes a trend
Trend analysis
Based on trend spotting, but extends into developing future scenarios by being conscious of what is currently happening and predicting the future
Elements of a trend
Number of participants
Pattern of behavior
Long period of time
Cause and consequence
Characteristics of a trend
Micro trends: Happen right now and are outright observable
Macro trends: Provide major changes perceptible at the societal level for a longer period
Mega trends: Last for decades and are so pervasive as to be generally known
Giga trends: Affect most areas of human life
Identifying emerging patterns
Documentation: Recording observations
Archive/memory: Easily retrieving documentation
Analysis: Examining and combining to confirm emerging patterns
Presentation: Representing findings for easy understanding
An agent that brings about a result or consequence
Relevant or related to a cause, always traceable to a cause
Appear suddenly but stay for a long period of time
Appear suddenly but are short-lived fashion
Strategic analysis
1. Identify the problem
2. Analyse the problem
3. Generate a solution
4. Implement the solution
5. Reflect on the outcomes
Strategic analysis
A system or method that requires deliberate abstract and effortful thinking that breaks down a complex problem into parts
Intuitive thinking
Quick and ready insight, the ability to understand something instinctively without the need for conscious reasoning
Strategic analysis vs intuitive thinking
Strategic analysis is brain-centered, while intuitive thinking is heart-centered
Strategic analysis vs intuitive thinking
Strategic analysis involves hard facts, data and instructions, while intuitive thinking involves hunches, instinct and gut feeling
Strategic analysis vs intuitive thinking
Strategic analysis needs time to finish, while intuitive thinking is spontaneous and quick
Strategic analysis vs intuitive thinking
Strategic analysis is well-planned, while intuitive thinking is unplanned
Political networks
Relations with government officials, student government, community leaders
Economic networks
Manufacturers, agents, sellers of goods, money lenders