Wundt and introspection

Cards (15)

  • Wundt opened first psychology lab, moving away from philosophy
  • Wundt's research methods
    • Used introspection
    • First systematic attempt at studying brain by breaking stimuli into 3 categories: thoughts, images and sensation
  • Structuralism
    Isolating the consciousness of the brain
  • In the 17th – 19th century, psychology was seen as a part of philosophy
  • Wundt opens first psychology lab
  • Freud proposes psychodynamic theory

    Early 1900s
  • Watson and Skinner establish behaviourist approach

    Early 1900s
  • Rodgers and Maslow devise the humanistic approach

  • Cognitive approach emerges
  • Bandura proposes the social learning theory

  • Biological approach becomes popular
  • Cognitive neuroscience emerges
    End of 20th century
  • Wundt's research methods
    • Used scientific methods
    • All introspections were recorded in a lab setting
    • Removed the influence of extraneous variables
    • Used standardized procedures
  • Wundt's research can be seen as unscientific as he relied on participants self-reporting their mental processes, producing subjective data as participants may have hidden true thoughts
  • Not all approaches use objective methods. Humanistic approach rejects scientific methods and instead focuses on individual experiences. Psychodynamic approach uses case studies. Therefore, a scientific approach may not have always been desirable or possible