English an inspector calls

Cards (20)

  • Eric: 'I was in that state when a chap sally burns sty'
  • (Mrs B): '"You stay<|>You're not the kind of father a chap could go to when his in trouble.'
  • (Mrs B): 'You kiel ber-and the child she'd have had too-mych<|>You're beginning to pretend as if nothing's realy happened at all.. The git's still dead, ban't she?"'
  • Eric: 'ee hond to kill bar'
  • Shelle: 'except for all last summer when you never care near me'
  • belleve will: 'In response to mother's comment that women must get used to their hasbands working all the tim<|>But these girls aren't cheap labour-they're people'
  • belleve will: 'felt ratten about it at the time and now I feel a lot worse'
  • belleve will: 'She was very pretty and looked like she could take care of herself'
  • belleve will: 'know I'm to blame and I'm desperately.my'
  • belleve will: 'he's giving us ropet so that we hang ourselves'
  • belleve will: '"You were the wonderful fairy prince. You must have enjoyed it, Gerald"'
  • Stage direction 'an impression of massiventis, asty and passfidoess. He speaks carefully, weightl and has a disconcerting habit of looking hard at the person he addresses before actually speaking
  • INSPECTOR GOOLE: 'she'd allowed a lot of strong duinfectant. But her inside out, of cou'
  • INSPECTOR GOOLE: 'But after all it's better to ask for the earth then to t'
  • INSPECTOR GOOLE: 'Jooking at what was left of Eva Smith. A nice Ettle praising Me there, thought, and a'
  • INSPECTOR GOOLE: 'somebody's made of'
  • INSPECTOR GOOLE: 'think you did something terribly wrong-and that you're going to spend the rest of your We regre'
  • INSPECTOR GOOLE: 'Her position now is that she lies with a burnt out inside on as'
  • INSPECTOR GOOLE: 'We have to share something. If nothing else, we have to share ou'
  • INSPECTOR GOOLE: 'But just remember this. One Eva Seth has gone-but there are m<|>Smitha and John Smiths still left with us, with their Ives, their hopes and as the g<|>happiness, all intertwined with our lives, and what we shek and say and do<|>members of one bok. We are responsible for chathe Adte you the tree ww<|>men will not learn that lesson, then they will be taught it and'