Heidegger's examination of technology
1. Begins by examining the relationship between human and technology, a relationship Heidegger calls a free relationship
2. Offers two definitions of technology: 1) Technology is a means to an end (Instrumental definition) 2) Technology is a human activity (Anthropological definition)
3. Analyses the notion of instrumentality to reach the truth or the essence of technology- it is traced to causality
4. Discusses the relation of modern science to the essence of technology
5. Claims for the sciences the aggressive approach to nature that goes well with technology, but poorly with science
6. Describes the enframing of technology as destiny, which is neither an inevitable fate that descends on humanity nor the result of human willing
7. Discusses the twofold danger to destiny: 1) The danger that human being reduces itself to standing reserve and in so appearing to have taken total control encounters nothing any more 2) The danger that the disclosure of the enframing forecloses every other dispensation and conceals that too is a disclosure