Asteroids - lumps of rock and metal found in the asteroid belt
Comets - lumps of ice and dust. highly ELLIPTICAL
Instantaneous velocity
Force that stops the object accelerating towards what it is orbiting but instead makes it travel in a circle
The closer the object gets to the star or planet, the stronger the gravitational force is
The stronger the force the larger the instantaneous velocity needed to balance it so it needs to go faster to remain in orbit
Orbit of moons and planets
slightly elliptical
Orbit of comets
very elliptical, longer than earth as they travel from the outer edges of our solar system. Faster when it is nearer the sun because the increased pull of gravity makes it speed up the closer it gets to the sun
Stellar Evolution order
Main sequence star
Red Super Giant (for stars bigger than the sun)
Neutron star or black hole
4. Red giant
5. White dwarf
cloud of dust and gas
gravity pulls dust and gas together. Temperature roses so star gets denser and more particles collide with each other. When temperatures get high enough the hydrogen nuclei undergo nuclear fusion to form helium nuclei. This gives out energy which keeps the core of the star hot.
Stars, temperatures and colours (Hottest to coolest)