Equation in electrochemical kinetics relating the rate of electrochemical reaction to the overpotential
Tafel equation
1. M ↔ M Z+ + ze−
2. η = a ± b log|i|
Nernst diffusion layer
Split into two diffusion layers, with the pulsating diffusion layer having metal ion concentration pulsating with the frequency of the pulsating current
Current efficiency
Number of coulombs required for a reaction divided by the total number of coulombs passed
At the anode, the pH becomes low due to the formation of hydrogen ions, and at the cathode the pH increases due to the formation of OH- ions
Faraday's law
W=ZQ, where W is the weight of deposit, Z is the electrochemical equivalent, and Q is the electric charge passed
Substrate cleaning
Designed to remove contamination on the substrate surface, involving open tanks, cleaning solutions, rinsing, and electrodeposition
Progressive reduction of surface roughness during deposition, through preferential adsorption of a leveling agent on high points to inhibit deposition
Corrosion protection of Fe by Zn coating
Zinc has a more negative standard potential than iron, so it acts as a sacrificial anode to protect the iron
Electroless and displacement deposition
No power supply is necessary, with electrons supplied by a reducing agent (electroless) or the substrate (displacement)
Advantages and disadvantages of electrodeposition and electroless deposition
[Not provided]
Electrodeposition of alloys
Requires the metals to have similar deposition potentials and be present in the electrolyte, with metal ions replenished in proportion to their deposition rates
Electrodeposition of multilayer alloys
Involves switching between two potentials to deposit pure layers of one metal and layers of the other metal with traces of the first
Conductive polymers
Properties: Electroactivity, Conductivity, Chemical stability, Flexible, Lightweight