A bond formed between twononmetalsatomswheretheatomssharepairsofelectrons
Metallic Bonding
A bond formed between two or moremetalatoms, wheretheatomssharedelocalisedelectrons
Longchains of molecules joined together by strongcovalentbonds
They have strongintermolecularforces meaning they have highmelting and boiling points
Metals consist of giantstructuresofatomsarrangedin regular patterns
A mixture of twoormoreelements with one being a metal
Most alloys are mixturesoftwoormoremetals
They are harder than puremetals as the atoms are arrangedinirregularpatterns making it more difficult for layersofatoms to slideovereachother
Forms giantcovalentstructures with nodelocalisedelectrons and each carbonatom is joined to four other carbon atoms
Forms giantcovalentstructures with delocalisedelectrons and each carbonatom is joined to three other carbon atoms
The carbonatoms form layers and the layers have nocovalentbonds between them
Diamond and graphite are both differentforms of the elementcarbon. Both of their structures are hold together by covalent bonds. Since their structures are different their properties are also different.