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  • Respiration
    Physiological process of breathing in oxygen and breathing out carbon dioxide for the liberation of energy that is required for the sustenance of living cells
  • Phases of respiration
    • Inspiration (inhalation)
    • Expiration (exhalation)
  • Types of respiration
    • Internal respiration
    • External respiration
  • Functions of respiration
    • Ventilation (breathing)
    • Gaseous exchange between air and blood, and between blood and other body tissues
    • Oxygen utilization by the tissues for energy liberation
  • Conducting zone
    Anatomical structures through which air passes before reaching the respiratory zone. Gaseous exchange does not occur in this zone.
  • Respiratory zone

    Where gaseous exchange occurs
  • Alveolus (plural = alveoli) is a sac-like structure that confers on the respiratory zone the ability to allow for gaseous exchange
  • Structures of the anatomical (conducting) zone

    • Mouth
    • Nose
    • Pharynx
    • Larynx
    • Trachea
    • Primary bronchi
    • Successive branchings of the bronchioles up to (and including) the terminal bronchioles
  • Structures of the respiratory zone
    • Respiratory bronchioles
    • Alveoli
  • The exchange of gases in the lungs occur across an estimated 300 million tiny air sacs known as alveoli
  • The enormous number of alveoli provides a large surface area (60 to 80 square meters) for diffusion of gases
  • The diffusion rate across the alveoli is further increased by the fact that each alveolus is only one cell-layer thick
  • Air-blood barrier
    Structural barrier of about 2 μm thick, between air and blood, made up of the alveolar cell membrane and the pulmonary capillary endothelial cell membrane
  • The basement membranes of type 1 alveolar cells and capillary endothelial cells fuse in such a way that the diffusion distance between them is only about 0.3 μm thick
  • The alveolar wall isn't fragile but is strong enough to withstand high stress during heavy exercise and high lung inflation due to the fused membranes of the air-blood barrier which are composed of type IV collagen proteins
  • Types of alveolar cells
    • Type I alveolar cells (95 - 97% of total lung alveolar population), primarily dedicated to gaseous exchange
    • Type II alveolar cells (remaining percentage), dedicated for the secretion or production of pulmonary surfactant
  • Functions of the anatomical (conducting) zone
    • Warming and humidification of inspired air
    • Filtering and cleaning
  • The mucus lining of the conducting zones are moved at a rate of 1 to 2cm per minute by cilia projections from the top of the epithelial cells that lines the conducting zone
  • There are about 300 cilia per cell that beat in a coordinated fashion to move mucus toward the pharynx, where it can either be swallowed or expectorated
  • Particles larger than 6 μm do not normally enter the respiratory zone of the lungs
  • The alveoli are normally kept clean by the action of resident macrophages
  • Respiratory protective reflexes
    • Sneezing reflex
    • Coughing reflex
    • Swallowing or deglutition reflex
  • Pleural membranes
    Two layers of wet epithelial membranes that envelop the structures in the central region of the thoracic cavity
  • Parietal pleural
    Superficial layer that lines the inside of the thoracic wall
  • Visceral pleural
    Deep layer that covers the surface of the lungs
  • Normally, the lungs fill the thoracic cavity so that the visceral pleural constantly pushes against the parietal pleural, with little or no air between these pleural membranes under physiological conditions
  • The intra-pleural space can become a real space if the visceral and parietal plurae separate when a lung collapses
  • Lung compliance
    Change in lung volume per change in trans-pulmonary pressure (∆V/∆P)
  • Lung elasticity
    Tendency of the lungs to return to its initial size after being distended
  • Surface tension
    Phenomenon at the surface of liquid that is caused by intermolecular forces
  • Elastic resistance and the surface tension exerted by the alveolar fluid are forces that act to resist lung distension
  • Pneumothorax
    Presence of gas in the intra-pleural space with a resultant collapse of the lungs (one or both lungs, depending on the degree of chest injury that allows for air leak into the intra-pleural space)
  • Atelectasis
    Deflation or collapse of the alveoli or lungs
  • Types of atelectasis
    • Compressive atelectasis
    • Resorptive/obstructive atelectasis
    • Contraction atelectasis
  • Pulmonary surfactants
    Substances secreted by type II alveolar cells that act on the surface of alveolar fluids to prevent alveolar and lung collapse following an elastic recoil
  • Pulmonary surfactants consist of phospholipids, primarily phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylglycerol, together with hydrophobic surfactant proteins
  • Pulmonary surfactants reduce the hydrogen bonds between water molecules at the surface to bring about a drastic reduction of surface tension, making the surface tension of the alveoli negligible
  • The ability of surfactant to lower surface tension improves as the alveoli get smaller during expiration, as the surfactant molecules become more concentrated
  • Surfactant prevents the alveoli from collapsing during expiration, allowing a residual volume of air to remain in the lungs
  • Surfactants
    Consist of phospholipids, primarily phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylglycerol, together with hydrophobic surfactant proteins. They are interspersed between water molecules and water-air interface thereby reducing the hydrogen bonds between water molecules at the surface to bring about a drastic reduction of surface tension.