He wrote his ideas down on a piece of paper called The Ninety-Five Theses.
The Pope was angry with Luther because he disagreed with him about selling indulgences, so he excommunicated him from the church.
The Protestants believed that they could read the Bible themselves, without needing priests to interpret it for them.
John Calvin was another important figure during the Reformation. He founded the Presbyterian Church and believed that everything happens according to God's plan.
They also believed that everyone had their own direct relationship with God, rather than going through the priest or the pope.
Religious reform movement during the 1500s that created the branch of Christianity known as Protestantism
Protestant Reformation
paying $$$ for a pardon of sins or reward for good behavior
Causes of the Reformation
People were reading the Bible in their own language
People questioned the God because of scientific Advancement and Plague
The Church was corrupt
Who is Martin Luther?
German who was dissatisfied with the church
Martin Luther
Accidentally, plays a huge role in starting the Protestant Reformation
In 1517, he posts his “95 Theses” on the church door in Wittenberg
Luther’s 95 Theses
A list of things he thought were wrong with the Catholic Church
Luther’s 95 Theses
Luther criticized:
The Pope’s power
The church’s extreme wealth
Selling of indulgences
The 95 Theses were originally just for scholarly debate and then quickly spread throughout Europe because
Of the printing press
Martin Luther’s Teachings
Salvation by faith alone, God decides
Teaching based on the Bible and should be translated into vernacular (everyone can read the Bible and be their own priest)
All people are equal before God, priests and church hierarchy are not better
What happens to Luther
1520 Pope Leo x (the Medici pope) declares 95 theses heretical and ask him to recant Luther doesn’t recant in 15
Catholics believe that the Pope has authority over all Christians, while Protestants reject this idea.
Peasant Wars
1. After reading 95 Theses
2. Demanded equality
French Wars of Religion 1562-1598
French civil war between Catholics and Protestants
Thirty Years' War 1618-1648
Battle between Catholics and Protestants in the Holy Roman Empire
The Thirty Years' War resulted in a shaky peace
Catholicism emphasizes the importance of sacraments such as baptism and communion, while Protestants focus more on personal interpretation of scripture.
Protestants believe that salvation is through faith alone, while Catholics believe it comes from good works.
Protestants believe that salvation is achieved through faith alone, while Catholics believe it comes from good works as well as faith.
Martin Luther nailed his "Ninety Five Theses" to the door of Wittenberg Cathedral in Germany, sparking controversy and leading to the Protestant Reformation.
Protestant Reformation was led by Martin Luther who challenged Catholic Church practices like selling indulgences (forgiveness) to raise money.
Why did the 95 Theses become so popular with the people of Western Europe?
Criticism of the Catholic Church
They didn’t have to pay indulgences
People realized they were equal
Three Main Effects of the Reformation:
Creation of Different Sects of Protestantism:
After Martin Luther many more people start reading the Bible and coming up with their own interpretations
Many new sects of Protestantism such as: Presbyterianism, Anglicanism, and Calvinism
One sec was Calvinism created by John Calvin.
Calvinism beliefs:
Predestination - God chooses who goes to heaven, you don‘t get there by good works
Our moral lives will reveal if we’re chosen by God to go to heaven or hell
Work ethic, righteous life that honors God
Religious Wars
Peasant Wars after reading 95 Theses - demanded equality
French Wars of Religion 1562-1598-French Civil War that was Huguenots (Protestants vs Catholics)
Thirty Years War 1618-1648 - battle between Catholic and Protestant states in the Holy Roman Empire
When the Catholic Church responded to the Protestants reformation with reforms and reaffirming some of their beliefs
Jesuits: A group of priests founded by Ignatius Loyola who wanted to spread Christianity through education and missionary work
Council of Trent - 1545-1563
Convened affirm the truths of the Church and reform abuses and errors
Beliefs Affirmed
The Seven Sacraments are important
Salvation through good works + faith
Priests should be celibate
Training for priests it’s so that they would be less corrupt and more knowledge
Bishops need to live near their parish
Creation of Religious Orders of people devoted to the Church
Ex. Jesuits - Order of priests ran like the military, into education and debating Protestants
What was the life like in Europe and the Islamic empires around 1200-1350?
Life in Europe is Fuedalism and Manorism. In Islam life is Properous and Golden age.
What was the Renaissance?
The age of the ”Rebirth” that began in 1350. It was a cultural transformation of Western Europe, characterized by achievements in art and literature and changes in point of view.
What was the Printing Press?
The Printing Press was an invention that allowed to distribute information more efficiently in the western world. The press was used ink to put on paper.
Who invented the Printing Press?
The Chinese invented the press 500 years prior to Johann Gutenberg bringing it to Europe and getting the credit as the first inventor.