early weimar

Cards (25)

  • how often was a president elected?
    every 7 years
  • what article was used in an emergency political parties?
  • What did Germany lose as a result of Treaty of Versailles?
    lost 10% of its land
  • when was the Sparticists Revolt?
  • key points of the sparacists revolt
    luxembourg and liebknecht led to 100,000 workers to overthrow the government
    failed as a government armed the freikorps,who out down the revolt
  • when was the Kapp Putsch?
    March 1920
  • key points of the Kapp Putsch?
    supported by the armed freikorps
    took over berlin for 4 days
  • why did the kapp putsch fail?

    workers started striking and Berlin came to a standstill
  • key points on the Munich Putsch?
    hitler attempted and failed to take over munich and berlin
  • who did hitler betray in the munich putsch?
    the right wing leaders(Lossow and Kahr)
  • what was Hitler's punishment as a result of munich putsch?
    arrested and sentenced to 5 years of prison,but only served 9 months
  • how much was germany forced to pay as a result of the treaty of versailles?
    £6.6 billion
  • when was the invasion of the ruhr?
  • what was the purpose of the invasion of the ruhr?
    to take resources as punishment for Germany failing to pay reperations
  • hyperinflation
    prices rose dramatically
    November 1923,egg cost 80 million marks
    middle class lost their savings
    people were too poor to afford necessities
    people lost faith in the weimar government
  • when was the locarno pact signed?
  • what was the locarno pact?

    the agreement to respect the land borders set out in the Treaty of Versailles
  • when did Germany gain entry to the league of nations?
  • when was the dawes plan?
  • what was the dawes plan?
    was able to invest in German economy using loans from the US
  • when was the young plan?
  • what was the young plan?
    reduced reparations from £6.6 billion to £2.2 billion
  • what was art and literature?
    focus on realism
    artists(such as Otto Dix) and novels(such as All Quite on the Western Front)
  • what was film?
    film industry boomed with 250 films being produced a year
    Marlene Dietrich was a famous German actress of the era
  • what was standard of living?
    wages increase by 10%
    hours drop
    new housing-2 million built
    60% less homeless