What were the two categories of issues going on in the Corinthian church?
conflict between church members and compromise in thechurch & chrsitainity
Examples of issues in the Corinthian church.
divisions, incest, lawsuits, sexualimmorality, marriage, virgins, foodoffered to idols, women'sadornment, behavior at Lord'ssupper, spiritualgifts, and the ressurection
Had Paul visited Corinth before writing 2 Corinthians?
Paul had a bad visit with the Corinthians after writing 1 Corinthians
Was 2 Corinthians Paul's second letter to that church?
What was the main issue troubling the church in 2 Corinthians?
super-apostles were questioning thelegitimization of Paul
What does Paul mean when he says to the Corinthians that they are his commendation?
Paul is sayingthat his work in Corinth is enough for his legitimization.
In what way does 2 Corinthians teach us about the painful nature of Christian ministry?
It teaches about how the Christian ministry is not easy and the need for endurance
Who were the "false teachers" in Galatia?
What is the occasion for Galatians?
Judaizers were convincing the people that they need to abide by Jewish law to truly follow God
What does Paul do in Galatians 1-2? Why?
Paul defends his apostleshipbecause his gospel is from Jesus and did not depend on others
What does Paul argue about the Old Testament law and the old covenant?
Christians are no longer under the Old Testament Law
What are the three main themes we discussed in Galatians?
authority of Paul, the nature of the Gospel, the Christian relationship to "law"
What are the two issues about the writing of Ephesians that are debated?
vocabulary and grammar are different from other books
Why is the authorship of Paul debated in Ephesians?
Paul was in Ephesus for threeyears and the letter was not personal
Why is the intended audience of Ephesians debated?
the letter was originally intended for wide distribution to manychurches
What illustration does Paul use for salvation in Ephesians 2?
waterflowing through ahose
Ephesians 2:8-10 teaches us something about the nature of "faith" and the nature of "works". What does it teach about these two concepts?
Faith is a gift from God. Good works are promised when you are saved. saved by grace through faith for works
In Ephesians 4, Paul tells the Ephesians to "put off the old self" and "put on the new self" what does he mean by this and what is the significance of the illustration?
stop with old habits and display new habits that glorify God. Wear the new habits that fit you and imitate God.
Is Philippians a disputed or undisputed epistle?
Did Paul know the church at Philippi?
Give at least one of the possible reasons for why Paul is writing Philippians this letter.
gifts, divisions, and engagement from the church
Give at least two reasons why Paul is joyful
partnershipin the gospel, work of God in the soul, suffering because of the gospel, joy in spreading the gospel, joy in life or death, and joy in plenty and in the little
What does the key verse (Phil 1:21) have to do with joy?
joy in life or death
Explain the reason Paul can be joyful in both cases in Phil 1:21
joy in carrying out God's plan for his life and joy in dying and going to meet God
What is the supreme example of humility given by Paul? Be specific.
Jesus coming down and dying for our sins
What does the key verse (Phil 1:21) have to do with humility?
ShowshowPaulhassurrenderedhislife to thewillofGod.He is not living for himself but lives to spread the Gospel. He is also not afraid of death,but willing to die for Christ if necessary.
What relationship does Timothy have with Paul?
Timothy was not Paul's blood child, yet he did love him as his ownson.
What is Timothy doing when he receives this letter from Paul?
pastoring the church in Ephesus
What are the three pastoral epistles?
1 and2 Timothy and Titus
Does Paul suggest to Timothy that he try to reconcile with the false teachers?
No, Timothy is to be persistent in preaching the truth, and if they do not listen, be done with them. Paul said he "handed them overtoSatan".
Does the false teaching at Ephesus pertain to conduct, doctrine, or both?
Both. Claim that it is wrong to eat certain foods or to be married these would be lies about both the doctrine of the church and the conduct of the church since food and marriage affect day-to-day living.
What is the primary exhortation to the men in 1 Timothy?
Pray without anger/quarreling
What is the primary exhortation to women in 1 Timothy?
Dressmodestly, letting the adornment beinward
What is the primary characteristic of elders/pastors in 1 Timothy?
Above reproach, dignified, blameless
What skill should pastors/elders have according to 1 Timothy?
The ability to teach
How does the key verse (1 Timothy 4:16) relate to the whole epistle?
It relates to the core of a pastor's duties: staythecourse, watchoverthechurch. Stay blameless,keep the churchblameless, and watch over the teaching. It also relates to not being easilymisled by falseteachers, but to knowtheword.
What is the occasion for 2 Timothy?
Paul's impending death
Explain is one of the three main illustrations Paul gives Timothy to communicate endurance and perseverance.
Soldier-(goal is to focus on pleasing the king, not to worry about civilian pursuits)