Capability of the farm business to meet all its obligations as these come due without disrupting normal farm operations
LIQUIDITY – ability of the farm to generate the amount of cash needed to fully pay its debts due within 12-month period without disrupting normal operations
SOLVENCY – ability of the farm to generate cash beyond a one-year period to meet current and future financial obligations
Analyzing Liquidity
Current Ratio
Working Capital
Acid-test Ratio/Quick Ratio
Analyzing Solvency
Net capital Ratio
Networth Ratio
Debt-asset Ratio
Debt-equity Ratio/Leverage Ratio
Current Ratio (CR)
Measures the amount of CA relative to CL
Working Capital (WC)
Measures the money that would remain after selling all CA and paying all CL.
Acid-test Ratio / Quick Ratio (QR)
Measures the ability to pay short-run obligations quickly
Net capital ratio (NCR)
Determines the part of total assets that is still owed to lenders
Networth Ratio (NR)
Measures what part of total assets is financed by the owner’s equity
Debt-Asset Ratio (DAR)
Measures what part of total assets is financed by the creditor/s.
Debt-equity Ratio (DER) or Leverage Ratio
Compares the proportion of financing provided by lenders with that provided by the business owner.