brain brain

Cards (224)

  • Ectoderm
    All nervous tissue
  • Mesoderm
    All skeletal & cardiac ms, most smooth ms, glands etc
  • Endoderm
    linings of our organs
  • Primary brain vesicles
    Prosencephalon (forebrain)
    Mesencephalon (midbrain)
    Rhombencephalon (hindbrain)
  • Prosencephalon vesicle
  • Prosencephalon vesicle
    Prosencephalon~Diencephalon~thalamus, hypothalamus, epithalamus
  • Mesencephalon vesicle

  • Rhombencephalon ventricle
    Rhombencephalon~metencephalon~Pons & Cerebellum
  • Rhombencephalon ventricle

    Rhombencephalon~myelencephalon~medulla oblongata
  • Brainstem=

    Cerebrum, diencephalon, cerebellum, brain stem
  • 4 Protective coverings of the brain
    1. Cranium
    2. Cranial meninges (3)
    3. CSF
    4. Blood-brain barrier
  • Note that cranial meninges is the
    2nd type of protective covering of the brain
  • dura mater (1st cranial meninge) contains the
    Periosteal layer & meningeal layer
  • periosteal layer of dura mater is next to
  • meningeal layer of dura mater is next to
  • Arachnoid mater (2nd cranial meninge)
    Spiderlike web to pia mater
  • Pia mater (3rd cranial meninge)-

    Thin covering on cerebrum, contains vessels
  • 3 extensions of the dura mater
    •falx cerebrum
    •falx cerebelli
    •tentorium cerebelli
  • Falx cerebrum (1st extension of dura mater)

    -between cerebral hemispheres
    -in longitudinal fissure
  • Falx cerebelli (2nd extension of dura mater)
    -b/w cerebellar hemispheres
  • Tentorium cerebelli (3 extension of dura mater)
    -b/w cerebrum & cerebellum
    -in transverse fissure
  • Dura mater & venous drainage
    1. Falx cerebri
    2. Transverse sinus
    3. Sigmoid sinus
  • Falx cerebri includes the
    •superior Sagittal sinus
    •inferior sagittal sinus
    •confluence of sinuses
  • Note that CSF is the
    3rd type of protective covering of the brain
  • CSF fxns:
    •Protects brain and SC from injury
    •carries molecules & cells in subarachnoid space
  • CSF is formed in
    Choroid plexus
  • Choroid plexus=
    Modified capillary network in walls of ventricles
  • Ventricular system
    •2 lateral ventricles
    •interventricular foramen
    •3rd ventricle-b/n thalami
    •cerebral aqueduct
    •4th ventricle-b/n pons & cerebellum
    •central canal in spinal cord
  • Fxns of CSF
    1. Mechanical protection
    2.chemical protection
  • Mechanical protection-
    shock absorption
  • Chemical protection-
    Ion balance
  • Circulation-
    Exchange of nutrients & metabolic wastes (similar to lymph system)
  • CC: hydrocephalus=
    Elevated CSF pressure
  • Note that the Blood Brain Barrier is the
    4th protective covering of the brain
  • Blood Brain Barrier or "BBB" (4th protective covering of the brain) is
    •tight jxns b/en endothelial cells of blood capillaries
    •protects from harmful substances
    •water, glucose can be sent to brain
  • Astrocytes secrete chemicals in BBB to
    Maintain tight jxn's
  • The Telencephalon (Cerebrum) consists of the
    •cerebral cortex (grey) and white matter
    •basal nuclei
    •limbic system
  • Note that telencephalon=
  • Cerebrum is responsible for
    -consciousness of all perception, analytical thought, intelligence, personality, decision making etc
  • In cerebrum...
    Outer cortex: thin & grey
    Internal white matter: axons