Genetic AO1

Cards (16)

  • What are candidate genes?
    A specific gene whose chromosomal location is associated with a particular condition
  • What is the candidate gene associated with aggression?
  • What role does the MAOA play?
    An enzyme, 'mopping up' neurotransmitters in the brain after a nerve impuslve has been transmitted from one neurone to another
  • What is catabolism?

    The breaking down of a neurotransmitter - especially serotonin - into constituent chemicals to be recycled or excreted
  • What does the MAOA-L gene do?
    Low MAOA acitivty, associated with aggressive behaviour
  • What is the MAOA-L gene otherwise known as?
    Warrior gene
  • What does the MAOA-L gene cause disruption to?
    metabolism of serotonin
  • What does it mean if the metabolism of serotonin is disrupted?
    Fight or flight is constant due to lowered inhibition and lack of control over impulsive aggressive behaviour
  • What are the three methods used to study genetic explanations of aggression?
    Genetic linkage, twin and adoption studies
  • What are genetic linkage studies used for?
    To determine what genes are implicated in aggression, and whether are multiple genes (polygenic) or just one gene (candidate genes)
  • What have twin studies suggested?
    Heritability and genetic factors account for about 50% of the variance in aggressive behaviour
  • Why would we expect to find greater similarities in MZ twins than DZ twins?
    They share 100% of their genes
  • How might the environment affect concordance rates between MZ and DZ twins?
    Raised together in the same environment
  • What are adoption studies used for?
    To investigate the relative impact of genetics and the environment on aggression
  • What do similarities in aggressive behaviour between an adopted child and their biological parents suggest?
    That genetic influences are prevalent
  • What do similarities in aggressive behaviour between an adopted child with their adopted parents suggest?
    That environmental influences are prevalent