egotistical individualism is the idea that humans are naturally and rationally drawn to the advancement of their own selfish interests
atomism is the idea that society is made up of many autonomous individuals
developmental individualism is a focus on the potential that humans have to better themselves. Human nature is not rigid
john locke reacted to the enlightenment, leading him to believe in rationality, and the decline of feudalism
johnrawls reacted to the post WW2 consensus and welfare state which he didn't actually think went far enough to secure equality of opportunity
Wollstonecraft reacted to the Enlightenment which she thought left out women, meaning man's stock of intelligence was limited. Said women were as rational as men.
John Stuart Mill reacted to the increase in suffrage in the 1832 great reform act which gave him a fear of tyranny of the majority
A limited government is where the government is limited in actions it can take whereas a minimal government is where the government cannot legislate in all policy areas, to ensure freedom
Mill believes in representative democracy as he was afraid of giving too much power to the uneducated majority. He thinks representatives should follow the Burkean model of representation.
Bentham'sutilitarianism is creating 'the greatest happiness for the greatest number'
Herbert Spencer believed in social darwinism as 'the feeble, the feckless and the failing' who could not rise in the meritocracy would be phased out. He did not believe in the state sponsoring them with benefits
Samuel Smiles did not want self-help to be usurped by state help but for individuals to rise to new challenges the Industrial revolution brought
Locke believed life in the state of nature would be pleasant civilised and long due to the natural rights that underpinned it
John Stuart Mill wrote On Liberty
John Rawls wrote A theory of Justice
John Locke wrote Two treatises of government
Mary Wollstonecraft wrote A Vindication of the rights of Women
Betty Friedan wrote The Feminine Mystique
egotistical individualism does not lead to conflict as humans are also reasonable and sensitive and able to reach consensus after discussion and debate
for liberals, property is seen as the expression of a person within society and something which allows them to develop
liberals support capitalism as it protects private property, allows individuals to engage in competition and creates wealth
liberals believe a state is necessary to protect natural rights with formal structures and to resolve conflicts efficiently
liberalism rejects monarchies and the divine right of Kings
The people's budget was written in 1908
The Beveridge report was written in 1942
T.H. Green developed the idea of positive freedom and said people born into working classes are stuck in a 'cycle of deprivation'
the 1908 people's budget introduced sick pay, pensions and free school meals
the 1942 beveridge report influenced the creation of the welfare state by the Attlee government
Locke said 'where laws do not exist, man has no freedom' to justify the necessity of the state
wollstonecraft said that 'the mindhasno gender'
toleration accepts that everyone has an equal moral worth and so should be granted the same rights as others
it can be argued that Mill does want a bit of an enabling state as he proposes universaleducation that can only really be supplied by the state
Hayek is a neo-liberal thinker who wrote the roadtoserfdom. He criticised state paternalism and dependency which had lured people in post ww2 with the promise of security and now trapped them with an enlarged state