Cards (9)

  • 2.5 to 2.7 kg
    • baby usually feeds every 3 hrs
    • baby has 8 feeding times
  • 3.6 to 4 kg
    • baby usually feeds every 4 hrs
    • baby has 6 feeding time
  • 2 to 3 months
    • baby usually has 4-5 feedings, the baby sleeps through the night after 10 pm feeding
  • 2 months
    • baby eats liquid like rice water, calamansi juice
  • 4 months
    • baby first solid foods like rice cereal
  • 5 to 6 months
    • teething food; full diet consisting pure meats, egg, strained fruits and chewy foods
    • to soothe sensitive gums and to teach the art of self feeding
  • 7 to 8 months
    • foods are smashed or chopped finely to teach martification ; cooked egg boiled fish
    • banna and camote smash
  • 9-12 months
    • whole tender foods or food chopped coursely are given finger foods like
    • cottage cheese, meat and egg yolks
  • sequence of introducing solid foods
    1. cereal
    2. fruits
    3. vegetable
    4. meat
    5. fish