Education 30 markers

Cards (18)

  • Applying material from Item B and your knowledge, evaluate the view that marketisation policies have increased diversity and choice in the education system. (30 marks)

    'competition has grown between increasingly diverse types of schools'
    AO1: Growing competition between schools e.g. through league tables


  • Applying material from Item B and your knowledge, evaluate the view that marketisation policies have increased diversity and choice in the education system. (30 marks)

    'every parent is free to choose the best school for their child'
    AO1: Increased choice in the type of schools to send your child to


  • Applying material from Item B and your knowledge, evaluate the view that marketisation policies have increased diversity and choice in the education system. (30 marks)

    'marketisation policies may reinforce existing inequalities in educational achievement'
    AO1: M/C benefit more from marketisation than W/C and ethnic minorities


  • Applying material from Item B and your knowledge, evaluate the view that the education system is meritocratic. (30 marks)

    'the education system is based on meritocratic principles'

    AO1: Functionalists say the system is meritocratic

    AO2: Parsons - schools function on a meritocracy

  • Applying material from Item B and your knowledge, evaluate the view that the education system is meritocratic. (30 marks)

    Pupils are 'objectively assessed through the examination process'

    AO1: Pupils are put through examinations to assess their abilities

    AO2: Role allocation

  • Applying material from Item B and your knowledge, evaluate the view that the education system is meritocratic. (30 marks)

    'ensures that existing social inequalities are reproduced in each generation'

    AO1: The role of capitalism in maintaining class inequalities

    AO2: Bowles and Gintis - reproduces obedient workforce

  • Applying material from Item B and your knowledge, evaluate sociological explanations of gender differences in educational achievement. (30 marks)

    External factors 'such as socialisation and parental attitudes towards education'

    AO1: Gender socialisation

    AO2: Gender domains (Browne and Ross) - tasks seen as 'female' and 'male' territory, which children are socialised into at home

  • Applying material from Item B and your knowledge, evaluate sociological explanations of gender differences in educational achievement. (30 marks)

    'Changes in wider society'
    AO1: 'Genderquake' (Wilkinson) - transformed attitudes means girls now want to achieve high success

    AO2: Wilkinson - girls more ambitious than their mothers
    Sharpe - girls have more opportunities (e.g. GIST)

    AO3: Wider opportunities make girls more enthusiastic about their futures so they put more effort into education
  • Applying material from Item B and your knowledge, evaluate sociological explanations of gender differences in educational achievement. (30 marks)

    'the way schools are organised and the social interactions that take place within schools'
    AO1: Environment; labelling; subject choice

    AO2: Girls labelled more positively than boys
    Gendered choice (Colley) - girls tend to study humanities and arts, boys STEM

    AO3: Boys become disengaged with school while girls attain good grades
  • Applying material from Item B and your knowledge, evaluate sociological explanations of differences in educational achievement between ethnic groups. (30 marks)

    'some sociologists focus on the role of the home and family life'

    AO1: Family structure
    Intellectual/language skills

    AO2: Bereiter and Engelmann - language of W/C black families is disjointed

  • Applying material from Item B and your knowledge, evaluate sociological explanations of differences in educational achievement between ethnic groups. (30 marks)

    'factors within schools are more important' - Ethnocentric curriculum


    AO2: David - lack of focus on non-European topics
    Troyna and Williams - lack of Asian languages

  • Applying material from Item B and your knowledge, evaluate sociological explanations of differences in educational achievement between ethnic groups. (30 marks)

    'factors within schools are more important' - Teacher expectations

    AO2: Jasper - white female teachers have 'racialised expectations' of black boys

  • Applying material from Item B and your knowledge, evaluate sociological explanations of social class differences in educational achievement. (30 marks)

    'factors outside school' - Material deprivation

    AO1: W/C may not be able to afford the educational resources that M/C can

    AO2: Difference in capital
  • Applying material from Item B and your knowledge, evaluate sociological explanations of social class differences in educational achievement. (30 marks)

    'factors outside school' - How parents socialise their children

    AO1: Language codes used at home

    AO2: Bernstein - W/C use restricted code, M/C elaborated

    AO3: Affects how different classes interact with their teachers and peers; W/C at a disadvantage
  • Applying material from Item B and your knowledge, evaluate sociological explanations of social class differences in educational achievement. (30 marks)

    'factors internal to the education system' - Materially deprived schools

    AO1: Poorer schools can't afford to upgrade technology or buy educational resources


  • Applying material from Item B and your knowledge, evaluate the view that ethnic differences in educational achievement are primarily the result of factors within the school. (30 marks)

    'factors that occur in school' - Teacher labelling

    AO2: Gillborn and Youdell - Afro-Caribbean boys more likely to be disciplined in school
    Jasper - white female teachers have negative expectations of black boys

    AO3: Black boys start to rebel in class and not focus, leading to low grades; also subjected to unconscious bias

    Fuller - Black girls rejected their labels and studied hard to get good grades
  • Applying material from Item B and your knowledge, evaluate the view that ethnic differences in educational achievement are primarily the result of factors within the school. (30 marks)

    'factors that occur in school' - Bias in the curriculum
    AO1: Ethnocentric curriculum

    AO2: David/Troyna and Williams - curriculum ignores non-European languages and art
    Coard - disengagement/low self-esteem due to unrelatable curriculum

    AO3: Mirza - black girls the highest achievers compared to black boys and white pupils
  • Applying material from Item B and your knowledge, evaluate the view that ethnic differences in educational achievement are primarily the result of factors within the school. (30 marks)

    'factors outside of the school are more important'
    AO1: Different cultures have their own views on education

    AO2: Basit/Archer - Asian/Chinese families placed high value on educational pursuit
    ME groups not 'ideal pupils'

    AO3: Less important than internal factors