Androgens - These are male sex hormones which produces
secondary sex characteristics like growth of bodily hair and change in voice
Estrogen - are secreted by ovaries which are concerned in female secondary sexual characteristics such as changes in physical appearance.
Progesterone - are also secreted by corpus luteum in ovaries are
concerned in menstrual cycle and pregnancy
Human Reproductive System - It is an organ system by which reproduce and bear offspring.
Fertilization - fusion of egg and sperm to form the zygote.
Ejaculation - is the discharge of the seminal fluid.
Musturbation – is a sexual stimulation of one's own genitals
Testis - it is the source of spermatozoa
Scrotum - a sac of skin where the two testes are enveloped
Prostate Gland - a gland that carries seminal fluid and urine,
Urethra - sperm ducts from sperm ducts joining into single tube called...
Penis - It is where the ejaculation occurs by sending sperm cell from testis and secrete out
Prepuce - an erogenous tissue which is very sensitive
Sperm cell - a male gamete which is necessary for the egg to be fertilized and become a zygote.
Ovary - a pair of small, oval organs which produces ova
Fallopian Tube - a pair of thin tubes that leads ova from ovaries
to uterus where fertilization takes place
Fimbria - a fingerlike projection at the end of the fallopian tube near the ovary that sweep the ova into the fallopian tube
Uterus - womb in layman's term, is a hallow pear-shaped elastic muscular structure where the zygote will develop into a fetus for months
Endometrium - innermost lining in the uterus where the zygote will be implanted after fertilization. It is also concerned in menstruation.
Cervix - it allows flow of menstrual blood from the uterus into the vagina
Vagina - a tube leading to outside of the body
vulva - opening
Labia Mijora - are relatively large, fleshy folds of tissue that
enclose and protect the other external genital organs
Labia Minora - it can be very small or up to 2 inches wide and lies just inside the labia majora
Bartholin's Gland - secrete a thick fluid that supplies lubrication
for intercourse
Clitoris - very sensitive to sexual stimulation and can become erect. Stimulating the clitoris can result in an orgasm
Erogenous Zone - These are parts of the body that are particularly
sensitive to touch.
Arousal Phase - there is a subjective sense of sexual pleasure. Penis of males erect (tumescence) while vagina of females begin to lubricate (vaso-congestion)
Plateau Phase - is a brief period of time before the orgasm as
the body prepare for orgasm.
Orgasm Phase - refers to the climax in layman's terman, an intense and pleasurable experience, male ejaculates the seminal fluid while both male and female heart rate reach the maximum.
Resolution - is the last phase where arousal decrease and muscles starts to relax, breathing, blood pleasure and heart rate go back to normal
Sexual Orientation - Transcends in different forms Influenced by different expectations, attitudes, beliefs, and state of medical and biological knowledge.
Heterosexuality - is a sexual attraction and behavior directed
to opposite sex
Homosexuality - is a sexual attraction between members of
same sex
Bisexuality - sexual attraction to either same sex or opposite sex
Transgender - people whose gender identity differs from the sex they have at birth
Transexual - a person who undergone gender reassignment surgery.
Transvestites - a person who dresses in style associated with the opposite sex.
Transition - a process of changing a birth-assigned sex to the opposite through sex reassignment
Natural Contraception - These are type of birth control that depend with