Atomic Number is the numberofprotonsinthenucleusofanatom
Mass Number is the totalnumberofprotonsplusneutronsinthenucleusornucleonnumber
Isotopes are atomsofthesameelementwiththesameatomicnumber (same number of protons and electrons), differentatomicmass (different numbers of neutrons), and samechemicalproperties.
Relative atomic mass is the averageofallthestableisotopesofanelement - consideringthemassofeachisotopeandrelativeabundance.Measuredrelativetotheisotope12^C = 12units.
Monatomic gases (group 0/8) are He = Helium, Ne = Neon, Ar = Argon, Kr = Krypton, Xe = Xenon, and Rn = Radon.
Diatomic gases are Hydrogen,Nitrogen, Fluorine,Oxygen,Iodine, Chlorine,Bromine, and Astatine.
Water -> H2O
Carbon Dioxide -> CO2
Methane -> CH4
Ammonia -> NH3
Hydrochloric Acid -> HCl
Sulfuric Acid -> H2SO4
Nitric Acid -> HNO3
Copper Carbonate -> CuCO3
Copper Sulfate -> CuSO4
Sodium Chloride -> NaCl
Sodium Carbonate -> Na2CO3
Sodium Hydroxide -> NaOH
Magnesium Oxide -> MgO
Hydroxide -> OH-
Carbonate -> CO3 2-
Hydrogencarbonate -> HCO3-
Nitrate -> NO3-
Sulfate -> SO4 2-
Phosphate -> PO4 3-
Ammonium -> NH4+
Metallic Bonding is the electrostaticforceofattractionbetweenlatticemetalpositiveionsandseaofdelocalizedelectrons.
Reactivity Series is relatedtothetendencyofametaltoformpositiveionsillustratedbydisplacementreactions.
Lithium produce a scarlet red flame color.
Sodium produce a brightyellow flame color.
Potassium produce a lilac flame color.
Copper produce a blue-green flame color.
Barium produce a pale green flame color.
Calcium produce a brickred flame color.
Strontium produce a crimson red flame color.
Reactivity Series (most reactive to least reactive) is PotassiumK, SodiumNa, LithiumLi, CalciumCa, MagnesiumMg, AluminiumAl, CarbonC, ZincZn, IronFe, TinSn, LeadPb, HydrogenH, CopperCu, SilverAg, GoldAu.
What is the name and meaning of this hazard symbol?
attack and destroylivingtissues, such as skin and eyes
What is the name and meaning of this hazard symbol?
substances that can attackorgans in the body (cancer causing substances)
What is the name and meaning of this hazard symbol?
can cause death if swallowed, breathed in, or absorbed by skin
What is the name and meaning of this hazard symbol?
irritant or harmful
not corrosive but will make the skin red and blister