An information system specially designed to assist in the management and planning of health programs, as opposed to delivery of care
One of the six building blocks essential for health system strengthening
A data collection system specifically designed to support planning, management, and decision-making in health facilities and organizations
Concepts HMIS was developed within
The information collected is relevant to the policies and goals of the healthcare institution, and to the responsibilities of the health professionals at the level of collection
The information collected is functional; it is to be used immediately for management and should not wait for feedback from higher levels
Information collection is integrated; there is one set of forms and no duplication of reporting
The information is collected on a routine basis from every health unit
Major role of HMIS
To provide quality information to support decision-making at all levels of the health care system in any medical institution
Characteristics HMIS needs to have
Eight elements of the HMIS
Data Acquisition
Data Verification
Data Storage
Data Classification
Data Computation
Data Update
Data Retrieval
Data Presentation
PRISM Framework
Broadens the analysis of routine health information systems to include behavioral, technical, and organizational/environmental determinants
Determinants in the PRISM Framework
Behavioral determinants - knowledge, skills, attitudes, values, and motivation of the people who collect and use data
Technical determinants - data collection processes, systems, forms, and methods
Organizational/environmental determinants - information culture, structure, resources, roles, and responsibilities of the health system and key contributors at each level
1. Systematic collection
2. Analysis
3. Use of information from programs
Monitoring purposes
Learning from experiences acquired
Accounting for resources used
Accounting for results obtained
Taking decisions
Assessing an ongoing or completed program or policy as systematically and as objectively as possible
Evaluation purpose
To make statements about relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, and sustainability
M & E Purpose
The primary aim is to have a strong M & E and review system in place for the national health strategic plan that comprises all major disease programs and health systems
M & E Plan
1. Address all components of the framework
2. Lay the foundation for regular reviews during the implementation of the national plan
Strategies for operationalizing the M&E framework
Be primarily country-focused but also offer the basis for global monitoring
Address M & E needs for multiple users and purposes, including monitoring program inputs, processes and results, tracking health systems performance and evaluation
Facilitate the identification of indicators and data sources, provide tools and guidance for data analysis, and show how the data can be communicated and used for decision-making
Bring together the monitoring and evaluation work in disease-specific programs with cross-cutting efforts such as tracking human resources, logistics and procurement, and health service delivery
M&E Framework
Builds upon principles derived from the Paris declaration on aid harmonization and effectiveness and the IHP+, putting country health strategies, and the related M & E processes such as annual health sector reviews, at the center
Key Performance Areas
Reproductive Health
Disease prevention and control
Resource Utilization
Key Indicators - Reproductive Health
Family planning acceptance rate
Antenatal care coverage
Proportion of deliveries attended by skilled health personnel
Proportion of deliveries attended by HEWs
Key Indicators - Immunization
DPR-3 (Pentavalent-3) coverage (>1 children)
Measles immunization coverage (>1 children)
Key Indicators - Disease prevention and control
Malaria case fatality rate amongst patients under 5 years of age
New malaria cases per 1000 population
New pneumonia case amongst under 5 children per 1000 population of < 6 years
TB case detection rate
TB cure rate
Clients receiving VCT services
PMTCT treatment completion rate
PLWHA currently on ART
Key Indicators - Resource Utilization
Trace drug availability (in stock)
OPD attendance per capita
Inpatient admission rate
Average length of stay (inpatient)
Key Performance Areas and Indicators: Inputs
Vaccine stockouts in a single month (YES/NO, by type of vaccine)
Number of services providers trained in provision of EPI/FP integrated services
Key Performance Areas and Indicators: Outputs
Number of service delivery points offering integrated FP and immunization services
Number of days per month when both immunization and family planning services are offered at the same site
Number/percent of women attending routine child immunization services who received information on family planning from a vaccinator
Number/percent of women (with children <12months) going for family planning who receive information on immunization from the family planning provider
Number/percent of women attending routine child immunization services who accept a referral to family planning services
Number/percent of women attending routine immunization services who follow through on a FP referral from a vaccinator
Number/percent of women attending family planning services who follow through on referral to immunization services from a family planning provider
Key Performance Areas and Indicators: Outcomes and Impact
Number of children receiving DTP1, DTP3, measles1, and DTP 1–3 dropout
Immunization coverage for DTP1, DTP3, measles1, and DTP 1–3 dropout
Number of new family planning acceptors by method type and demographic/age group
Contraceptive prevalence rate
Total financial cost of inputs required to integrate FP and immunization services (per facility, per client exposed, per new FP acceptor)
Maternal, infant, and child mortality rates
Health Systems Monitoring Indicators and Data Sources: Inputs and Processes
Total health expenditure as % of DGP
Total health expenditure per capita
% general government expenditure on health
Doctors per 10,000 population
Nurse/midwives per 10,000 population
Graduates of health training institutions per 10,000 population
Hospital beds per 10,000 population
Doctors using electronic health records
Tracer medicines availability
Median drug price ratio for tracer drugs
Health Systems Monitoring Indicators and Data Sources: Outputs
Index of service readiness
Service accessibility (distance to facility)
General practitioner utilization rate
Outpatient department utilization rate
TB treatment success rate (DOTS)
30-day hospital case fatality rate AMI and stroke
Waiting time to elective surgeries: cataract, PTCA, hip replacement
Surgical wound infections (% of all surgical operations)
Cancer treatment delay (time between first GP visit and first treatment, for breast and colon cancer)
Health System Indicators and Data Sources: Outcomes: Coverage of Interventions
Antenatal care coverage (4+)
Antenatal care coverage (1)
Skilled birth attendance
DPT3 Immunization coverage
HiB, Hep3, measles, OPV
ART coverage
Contraceptive prevalence
Health system indicators and data sources
Outcomes: Coverage of Interventions
Outcomes: Risk Factors and Behaviors
Financial Risk Protection
Referring to a region or locality within a country, rather than the country as a whole
Facility assessment
Evaluation of a healthcare facility
General practitioner utilization rate
Measure of how often people visit their general practitioner
Outpatient department utilization rate
Measure of how often people visit the outpatient department of a healthcare facility
Clinic data
Data collected from healthcare clinics
Data collected through a survey of people
Service Quality and Safety
Measures of the quality and safety of healthcare services
TB treatment success rate (DOTS)
Measure of the success rate of tuberculosis treatment using the DOTS (Directly Observed Treatment, Short-course) approach
Clinical data
Data collected from clinical records
30-day hospital case fatality rate AMI and stroke
Measure of the mortality rate within 30 days of being admitted to hospital for acute myocardial infarction (heart attack) and stroke
Hospital records
Data collected from hospital records
Waiting time to elective surgeries: cataract, PTCA, hip replacement
Measure of how long people have to wait for certain elective (non-emergency) surgeries