
Cards (96)

  • What is the circuit symbol for an
  • What is the circuit symbol for a
  • What is the circuit symbol for a
  • What is the circuit symbol for a
  • What is the circuit symbol for a
  • What is the circuit symbol for a
    lamp (bulb)?Lamp (Bulb)
  • What is the circuit symbol for an
  • What does LDR stand for?
  • What is the circuit symbol for an
  • What is the circuit symbol for a
  • What is the circuit symbol for a
    closed switch?Switch (closed)
  • What is the circuit symbol for an
    open switch?Switch (open)
  • What is the circuit symbol for a
  • What is the circuit symbol for a
    variable resistor?Variable Resistor
  • What is the circuit symbol for a
  • For electrical charge to flow through a closed circuit the circuit must include a source of _________ __________
    Potential Difference
  • Electric current is a
    flowof electrical ______Charge
  • The size of an electric _______ is the rate of flow of electrical charge
  • Charge flow, current and time are linked by the equation
    charge flow = current x time
  • Unit of charge flow, Q
    coulombs, C
  • Unit of current, I
    amps, A
  • Unit of time, t
    seconds, s
  • Current has the same value at any point in a ______ circuit
  • The current (I) through a component depends on both the __________ of the component and the potential difference (V) across the component
    Resistance (R)
  • For a given potential difference (voltage), the greater the resistance of the component the smaller the _______
  • Current, potential difference or resistance can be calculated using the equation
    potential difference = current x resistance
  • Unit of potential difference, V
    volts, V
  • Unit of resistance, R
    ohms, Ω
  • The current through an ohmic conductor (at
    constant temperature) is ________ ____________ to the potential difference across the resistor.directly proportional
  • The resistance of components such as lamps, diodes, thermistors and LDRs is not constant; it changes with the _______ through the component
  • The resistance of a filament lamp increases as the ___________ of the filament increases
  • The current through a diode flows in ___ _________ only
    one direction
  • The _____ has a very high resistance in the reverse direction
  • The resistance of a __________
    decreasesas the temperatureincreasesthermistor
  • The resistance of an LDR
    decreasesas _____ _________increaseslight intensity
  • An ___ can be used to switch lights on when it gets dark
  • A __________ can be used to switch heaters on when it gets cold
  • There are two ways of joining electrical components, in series and in ________
  • For components connected in

    seriesthere is the same _______ through each componentcurrent
  • For components connected in

    seriesthe total potential difference of the power supply is ______ between the componentsshared