Topic 4

Subdecks (1)

Cards (44)

  • Define biodiversity (4 marks)

    Biodiversity is the number of different species in a habitat (2) and the number of different alleles in a species (2).
  • Define species richness (2 marks)
    Species richness is the number of different species (1) in a habitat (1)
  • Define diversity index (2 marks)
    Diversity index is the number of different species in a habitat (1) and the number of individuals in a species (1)
  • Define endemic (1 mark)
    Endemic - species found in only one specific geographical location (1)
  • Define genetic diversity (2 marks)
    Genetic diversity in the number of different alleles (1) in a species (1)
  • Define heterozygosity index (2 marks)

    Heterozygosity index is the number of heterozygous individuals (1) over total number of individuals in the population (1)
  • Define niche (2 marks)

    Niche is the role of an organism (1) in a habitat (1)
  • Give examples of anatomical, behavioural and anatomical adaptations (3 marks)
    ·   Anatomical (physical feature) – camouflage, strong beaks
    ·   Behavioural – living in groups, hibernation, being nocturnal, migration
    ·   Physiological (producing a biological molecule) – slow metabolism (sloths), venom (snake), musk (skunk)
  • Explain how natural selection can result in adaptation (4 marks)
    ·   Genetic mutation results in variation in the population (1)
    ·   Selection pressure/ change in environment favours individuals with the advantageous allele (1)
    ·   Individuals with the advantage allele survive, reproduce and pass on the advantageous allele to offspring (1)
    ·   Increasing the allele frequency in the population over time (1)
  • Define species (1 mark)
    Individuals interbreed to produce fertile offspring (1)
  • Define speciation – formation of new species (2 marks)
    Individuals are no longer able to interbreed to produce fertile offspring (1), they are reproductively isolated (1)
  •  Explain how natural selection can result in speciation (5 marks)
    ·   Genetic mutation results in variation in the population (1)
    ·   Selection pressure/ change in environment favours individuals with an advantageous allele (1)
    ·   Individuals with the advantage allele survive, reproduce and pass on the advantageous allele to offspring (1)
    ·   Increasing the allele frequency in the population over time (1)
    ·   This can result in speciationsympatric (absence of a geographical barrier) or allopatric (in the presence of a geographical barrier) (1)
  • Write the two equations of Hardy – Weinberg equation and describe how they can be used to show that natural selection is occurring (3 marks)
    If natural selection is occurring, there would be a change in allele frequency over time (1)
  • Write the three-domain system proposed by Carl Woese (3 marks)
    Prokarya, eukarya, and archaea (3)
  • Write features of bacteria/ prokarya (5 marks)
    ·       No nucleus
    ·       circular, double-stranded DNA
    ·       chromosomal DNA
    ·       plasmid DNA
    ·       70S ribosomes
    ·       pili
    ·       peptidoglycan cell wall
    ·       slime capsule
  • Write features of eukaryotes/ eukarya (5 marks)
    ·       Nucleus
    ·       Linear, double-stranded DNA
    ·       Histones
    ·       80S ribosomes
    ·       rough endoplasmc reticulum
    ·       Golgi apparatus
    ·       Membrane bound organelles – nucleus, mitochondria, chloroplasts (plants)
    ·       Cellulose cell wall (plants) or chitin cell wall (fungi)
  • Define molecular phylogeny (3 marks)
    · Molecular phylogeny - molecular differences/similarities the sequence of nucleotides in DNA/RNA or the sequence of amino acids in proteins (1)
    · reveal evolutionary/genetic relationship between organisms (1)
    · the more similarities in common, the more related the individuals/ species (1)
  • Describe the evaluation of new scientific theories (3 marks)
    • Communicating theory to scientific community (1)
    • Published in peer-reviewed scientific journals (1)
    • Conferences (1)
    • Repeat experiments to confirm/ validate findings (1)
  • Describe the role of seed banks (3 marks)
    ·       Conserve genetic diversity​(1)
    ·       Prevents extinction of species  (1)
    ·       Safeguard genes that may prove useful in the future​ (1)
    ·       Allow for reintroduction of species in the future (1)
  • Explain the conditions of storing seeds (4 marks)
    ·       Conditions of storage – dry and cold (2)
    ·       To reduce enzyme activity in seeds…preventing germination of seeds​ (1)
    ·       And to prevent microbialgrowth…preventing decomposition of seeds (1)
  • Explain the role of zoos and captive breeding programs (3 marks)
    ·       Increase population size​ (1)
    ·       Conserve / increase genetic diversity​ (1)
    ·       Therefore, prevents extinction of species ​ (1)
    ·       Allow for reintroduction of species in the future (1)
  • Define inbreeding depression in a small population (2 marks)
    Inbreeding depression - mating resulting in homozygous recessive individuals (1) with genetic defects (1)
  • Describe ways of preventing inbreeding depression (3 marks)
    ·       use of stud books/ records​ (1)
    ·       use of IVF/ surrogates​ (1)
    ·       exchange of animals between zoos (1)