The study of relationship between the (nature) and (intensity) of biological effects observed in animal & man and various factors
Factors influencing biological effects
Simple chemical modification of drugs such as formation of esters, salts and complexes
Modification of the physical state, particle size of the drug available to absorption site
Presence or absence of adjuvant in dosage form with the drug
The type of dosage form in which the drug is administered
Pharmaceutical process or process by which the dosage form is manufactured
If made from compression & force is high the tablet friability can be effected
Biopharmaceutics (B.P)
The study of relationship between physio chemical properties of a drug in a dosage form and the various effects observed after the administration of the dosage form
The study of B.P includes all possible effect of the dosage form on the biological response and all possible physiological factors which may affect the drug contained in the dosage form of the drug itself
Bioavailability (B.A)
The rate & extent to which active drug ingredient or therapeutic moiety (nucleus) is absorbed from drugproduct & becomes available at the siteofaction
Aspects studied in B.A
The amount or proportion of drug absorbed from a formulation (product dosage form)
The rate at which the drug is being absorbed
The duration of drug presence in the biologicalsystems
The relationship between the drug blood levels & clinicalefficacy and toxicity
During the production development stages proposed drug product pharmaceutical manufacturers use B.A studies to compare different formulations of drug substance to determine which one allows the most desirable absorption pattern
Later B.A studies may be used to compare the availability of the drug substance in different productionbatches or to compare the availability of the drug substance in different dosage forms or in the same dosage form by different manufacturers
FDA Bioavailability Submission Requirements
New Drug Application (NDA)
Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA)
Supplemental Application
Conditions under which FDA may waive the In Vivo B.A Requirements
The product is a solution intended solely for IV administration and contain the same active agent in the same concentration & solvent as a product previously approved
The drug product is administered by inhalation as Gas/Vapour and contains the same active ingredient in the dosage form as a product previously approved
The drug product is an Oral Sol, Elixir, Syrup, tincture or other solubilized form and contain the same active ingredient in the same concentration as a previously approved drug product but contains low inactive ingredients known to significantly affect absorption
The drug product is a topically applied preparation intended for local therapeutic effect
The drug product is an oral form that is not intended to be absorbed e.g. radio opaquemedium
The drug product is a solid oral form that has been demonstrated to be identical or sufficiently similar to a drug product that has met the invivoB.A requirement
Factors influencing B.A of Oral Drugs
Drug Substance physicochemical Properties: Particle Size, Crystalline or amorphous form, Salt form, Ionization, Lipid or Water Solubility, pH & pKa
Pharmaceutical Ingredients or Additatives/Excipients (Adjuvants): Suspending Agents, Fillers/Diluents, Surface active agent/Surfactant, Flavouring agent/Coloring agent, Binder, Coating material, Disintegrating agent, Preservative