Cards (150)

  • Larynx
    Organ for production of voice or phonation.

    Air passage and acts as a sphincter at the inlet of lower respiratory passages
  • Nose


    Upper respiratory passages
  • Anterior midline of neck from root of tongue yo trachea
    Larynx extent
  • C3-C6
    Location of Larynx in male
  • C1-C4
    Location of larynx in female
  • Adam's apple
    Prominent angle of thyroid cartilage which makes the voice louder and low pitched
  • Thyroid cartilage

    Cricoid cartilage

    unpaired cartilages of the larynx
  • Arytenoid cartilage

    Corniculate cartilage

    Cuneiform cartilage

    paired cartilages of the larynx
  • Thyroid cartilage
    V shaped cartilage that consists of right and left laminae
  • Laryngeal prominence

    Median prominence formed by the lower parts of the anterior border of the right and left laminae of thyroid cartilage
  • Thyroid notch
    Separates the upper parts of the anterior border of thyroid cart (does NOT meet)
  • Thyrohyoid ligament

    Connects the greater cornua of hyoid bone to the superior cornua
  • Cricothyroid joint
    Formed by the articulation of the cricoid cartilage with the inf cornua
  • Conus elasticus
    Connects the cricoid cartilage with the inf border of thyroid
  • Posterior border

    Free border of thyroid cartilage

    Prolonged upwards and downwards as the superior and inf cornua/horns
  • Thyrohyoid


    Thyropharyngeus part of inf constrictor of pharynx
    Attached to the oblique line of thyroid cart
  • Palatopharyngeus


    Connects the inf and sup cornua (insertions)
  • Cricoid cartilage
    Ring shaped cartilage and is a complete cartilage

    Encircles the larynx below the thyroid cartilage and forms the foundation stone of larynx
  • Cricoid cartilage

    Stronger and thicker than thyroid cart
  • Arch
    Narrow anterior part of cricoid cart
  • Lamina
    Broad posterior part of cricoid cart
  • Cricothyroid muscle

    Ant part of the arch of cricoid gives origin to this triangular muscle which is a tensor of vocal cord
  • Cricoarytenoid muscle
    Safety muscle
  • lateral cricoarytenoid muscle
    Anterolateral aspect of arch gives origin to this adductor of vocal cord
  • Epiglottis (epiglottic cartilage)

    Leaf shaped cartilage placed on the ant wall of the upper part of the larynx.
  • Upper end of epiglottis
    Broad and free part of epiglottis, projects upward behind the hyoid bone and tongue
  • thyroepiglottic ligament (lower end of epiglottis)

    Pointed and attached to the upper part of the angle between the two laminae of the thyroid cart
  • Tongue

    Hyoid bone
    Ant surface of epiglottis is connected to the
  • glossoepiglottic fold

    Connects tongue to epiglottis
  • Hyoepiglottic ligament

    attaches the epiglottis to the hyoid bone
  • Aryepiglottic muscle

    Closed inlet during swallowing
  • thyroepiglottic muscle

    Attached between thyroid cartilage and margins of epiglottis

    Keeps the inlet of larynx patent for breathing
  • Arytenoid cartilage

    Two small pyramid shaped cartilages on the upper border of the lamina of the cricoid cartilage
  • Vocal fold

    Vocalis muscle
    Attachments of vocal process
  • Vestibular fold
    Attachment above the vocal process
  • posterior cricoarytenoid muscle
    Attachment of the muscular process (posterior)
  • Lateral cricoarytenoid
    Attachment of the muscular process (anterior)
  • transverse arytenoid muscle

    Attachment of the pos surface of Arytenoid
  • Aryepiglottic muscle
    - Oblique arytenoids continues as this muscle to the 2 sides of the epiglottis
  • corniculate cartilage (santorini)

    Two small conical nodules which articulate with the apex of the arytenoid cartilages

    Lie in posterior surface of the aryepiglottic folds