Carry out a study on the ecology of a habitat, such as using quadrats and
transects to determine distribution and abundance of organisms, and
measuring abiotic factors appropriate to the habitat.
EquipmentQuadrat (Open, 10x10)Transect (50m)ClipboardEquipment for chosen abiotic variable (lux meter for light intensity; barometer for wind pressure; densiometer for shade/cover; hygrometer for humidity)
MethodChoose a site where there is a clear gradient in an abiotic variableLay out transectPlace quadrat at set intervals with bottom left corner on the mark at each sampling point
Record percentage cover at each sampling point for chosen species at each interval, by counting how many squares are mostly covered by the selected species.
Measure and record the abiotic variable at each sampling point. Take multiple recordings at each sample point for a mean value.
GraphPlot a graph of percentage cover against the chosen independent, abiotic variable.
StatisticsCalculate means for the repeats of abiotic factors at each sampling point-UseT-testtocompare meansbetween two groups-UseSpearman'sto assesscorrelationbetween variables-UseChi-squared testto evaluate if there is asignificant difference/associationbetween two variables.