sources of infection are self,person,animal, and environment
Pathogenicity- is the ability wherein the parasite inflicts damage to a host
virulence- refers to the measure of pathogenicity in a microorganism
host- is where the parasite or commensal lives in
disease- is when microorganisms are established in a host either to harm them or not
JainDharma- (5th century) postulated the existence of tiny organisms called“Nigodas” which lives everywhere including in bodies of plants, animals, and people.
MarcusTerentiusVarro- was a Roman scholar who called the unseen creatures “Annimacules” on his book “OnAgriculture“ and warns against on locating a homestead near swamp.
Avicenna- suggested that Tuberculosis and other diseases might be contagious
Akshamshaddin- was a Turkishscientist who mentioned the microbes in his work “The Material of Life”twocenturies prior to the experimentation of Leeuwenhoek
Girolano Fracastoro- he proposed that epidemic diseases could transmit infection by direct or indirec contact