Cards (16)

  • Condition
    Future and uncertain to happen
  • Condition
    • I promise to give you ₱10T if you pass the 2025 CPA Board Exam
  • Period
    Future and certain to happen
  • Period
    • I promise to give you ₱10T on December 5, 2025
  • Pure Obligation
    An obligation that contains neither condition nor a period. It is demandable at once because it does not depend upon a future or uncertain event or upon a past event unknown to the parties.
  • Pure Obligation
    • I will give you ₱1,000.00
    • I will give you anything you want
  • Conditional Obligation
    An obligation that requires the fulfillment of a given condition before such obligation shall be performed by the debtor or before it shall be extinguished
  • Obligation With Suspensive Condition
    The obligation is suspended until the happening of the condition
  • Obligation With Suspensive Condition
    • I will give you ₱10T if you graduate in 2025
    • I will give you a car if you get married
  • Obligation with Resolutory Condition
    The obligation is demandable right away and is already being performed at the moment but it shall be extinguished however upon the happening of the given condition
  • Obligation with Resolutory Condition
    • I allow you to use my rest house in Laguna until the arrival of my brother from Canada
    • You can use my car until I obtain my own driver's license
  • Obligation with Potestative Condition
    An obligation in which the fulfillment of a condition depends on the sole will of one of the parties
  • Obligation with Potestative Condition
    • I'll give you ₱1M if I run for President in 2028
    • I'll give you a brand new car if I like
    • I'll give you my car if you desire to have it
  • Obligation with Potestative Condition is valid only if the fulfillment of the given condition depends on the will of the creditor, not the debtor
  • Obligation With A Term or Period
    An obligation the fulfillment of which is dependent upon the happening of a future and certain event
  • Obligation With A Term or Period
    • I'll give you ₱100T on October 5, 2025
    • I'll give you a car in Christmas of 2025