Winston Churchill: 'The price of greatness is responsibility.'
Blamingothersdoesnothing.Itdoesn'tsolve your problem.
Ifyouwanttofind a solution, youwillfindit; it'snotthat a solutiondoesn'texist.
Onlyaction can help you achieve your goals, nothing else.
Nobodycaresifyou'relazyornot. Nobody cares if you procrastinateornot. Nobody cares if you exerciseornot.Whywouldtheycare? Nobody cares. It would be best for you if you dothingsforyourself.
Your future is in the hands of your present actions.
Don'teventhink about thepast. It's already gone. There are only twothings that the pastcangive you: lessons and regrets.
Learnfrom your mistakes. There's nothing wrongwithmaking a mistake, but if you keep repeatingthesame error, thereissomethingwrong.
If a mistakehappens, learnfromit and moveon.Don'twaste your time.
Harsh truths of life: Ifyou'relazy, it's your fault. If you're unhappy, it's your fault. If you're a procrastinator, it'syourfault.
Complaining achieves nothing. It fills your mind with worry and negativethoughts.
Overthinking and complaining all the time is terrible for your mental health.Youneedtoact.
Chinese proverb: 'The best time to plantatree was20yearsago.Thesecond-besttimeisnow.'