OOP Midterms

Cards (144)

  • Strings are arrays of bytes representing Unicode characters.
  • Strings are immutable (cannot be changes one it has been assigned).
  • Strings are created by enclosing characters inside a single or double quote.
  • Indexing allows access to individual characters.
  • Slicing allows access to a range of characters.
  • Elements of string can be accessed using square brackets.
  • String length or len() is used to determine the length of a string.
  • String concatenation is a string operation that joins two or more strings together.
  • You can check if a string contains a specific substring using "in".
  • A method is defined with respect to a particular object.
    Syntax: object.method(argument)
  • capitalize() method capitalizes the first letter of a string.
  • upper() method capitalizes all the characters.
  • lower() method returns all strings in lower case.
  • lstrip() removes left padded spaces in string.
  • rstrip() removes right padded spaces in string.
  • strip() removes any whitespaces in string
  • title() converts given string into title case.
  • swapcase() is toggle the case (from upper to lower and lower to upper)
  • ljust() is used to add spaces to the left of a string
  • rjust() is used to add spaces to the right of a string
  • center(width,fillchair) returns centered in a string of length width.
  • The default filler of center() method is space.
  • zfill() is used to fill the zero to a given string.
  • find() is used to find a particular character/ string in a given string.
  • count() is used to count the number of times a character/string appears in a given string.
  • startswith() is used to check if a string starts with a particular character.
  • endswith() is used to check if a string ends with a particular character.
  • isdigit() is used to check if the string is a digit.
  • isnumeric() is used to check if the string is a digit(number)
  • islower() is used to check if all the characters in a string is in lower case
  • isupper() is used to check if string contains all upper case
  • isspace() is used to check if a string contains a space ONLY
  • str() is used to convert non-string data intro string data
  • max() is used to get a max alphabet of string.
  • max("Airam") = r
  • min() is used to get the min alphabet of string.
  • min("Airam") = a
  • Triple quotes are used to represent multiline strings and docstrings.
  • split() is used to split strings into multiple strings according to the delimeter.
  • index() same as find() but raises an exception if string is not found