For the entire universe, a creative process, rather than an disintegrative one, is in operation; There is a tendency for all matter, both organic and inorganic, to evolve from simpler to more complex forms
Actualizing Tendency
Tendency within all humans to move toward completion or fulfillment of potentials
Involves the whole person— physiological and intellectual, rational and emotional, conscious and unconscious and needs to be maintained
Tendencies to maintain and enhance the organism that are subsumed within three actualizing tendency and includes basic needs but also the resistance to change and maintain the status quo
Enhancement Needs
People's willingness to learn things
Also expressed through curiosity, playfulness, self-exploration, friendship, and confidence that one can achieve psychological growth
TRUE OR FALSE: Plants and animals also have an actualizing tendency
People must be involved in a relationship with a partner who is:
1) congruent or authentic
2) who demonstrates empathy
3) unconditional positive regard
Certain conditions in which human's actualization tendency is realized
Necessary and Sufficient
The three conditions are ______ and ______
TRUE OR FALSE: Only humans have a concept of self and thus a potential for self-actualization
"I" or "Me" Experiences
Portion of experience that becomes personalized and differentiated in awareness which forms a vague sense of self-concept
Positive; Negative
As infants gradually become aware of their own identity, they evaluate experiences as ______ or ______, using the actualizing tendency as a criterion
Once infants establish a rudimentary self structure, their tendency to ______ begins
Self Actualization
Subset of the actualization tendency
1. Organismicexperiences of the individual
2. Refers to the whole person— conscious and unconscious, physiological and cognitive
Tendency to actualize the self as perceived in awareness
Self-Concept, Ideal Self
Two self subsystems
All those aspects of one's being and one's experiences that are perceived in awareness by the individual; Different from the organismic self in which portions of the organismic self are beyond awareness
The Ideal Self
One's view of self as one wishes to be
Wide gap between the ideal self and self-concept results in ______
Without this, the self-concept and ideal self would not exist; "The symbolic representation of some portion of our experiences" and is used synonymously with consciousness and symbolization
Ignored or Denied
Accurately Symbolized
Levels of Awareness
Ignored or Denied
Experiences below the threshold of awareness
Ignored or Denied
Woman walking down a busy street but ignores most of the stimuli; A mother who never wanted children but becomes solicitous out of guilt
Accurately Symbolized
Freely admitted to the self-structure; Experiences that are non threatening and consistent with the existing self-concept
Accurately Symbolized
Pianist who is confident in his ability is told by a friend they are excellent as playing
Experience that is not consistent with our view of self is reshaped or distorted so that it can be assimilated into our existing self-concept
A talented pianist who was told by a distrusted competitor that his playing was excellent will become suspicious
Denial of positive experiences
Difficulty accepting compliments because of feelings of undeservingness or distrust
Individual must make contact— positive or negative— with another person
Minimum Requirement in becoming a person
Positive regard; Negative regard
As children or adults become aware that another person has some measure of regard for them, they begin to value ______ and devalue ______
Positive regard
Prerequisite for positive self regarded characterized when a person develops a need to be loved, liked, or accepted by another person
Positive self-regard
Experience of prizing or valuing one's self that once established, becomes independent of the continual need to be loved
TRUE OR FALSE: The source of positive self-regard, then, lies in the positive regard we receive from others, but once established, it is autonomous and self-perpetuating
Conditions of Worth, Incongruence
Barriers to Psychological Health
Conditions of Worth
Arises when positive regard is conditional and is based on external evaluations; Perceiving that parents, peers, or partners love and accept them only if they meet their expectations and approval