Methylation of Cytosine --> change gene expression (naturally occurring modification)
After DNA replication --> Newly synthesized dsDNA have hemimethylated sites --> signal DNA methylases --> transfer methyl groups (CH3) from SAM --> to cytosine on newly synthesized strand
Higher degree of methylation = Lowerexpression of gene (Inversely correlated)
Some non-genotoxic carcinogens (e.g. Reactive oxygen species) --> interfere with Methyltransferase --> change DNA methylationprofile & gene expression
Normal tissue
Promoter of TumorSuppressor genes = Hypomethylated = can be transcribed
Promotor of Oncogenes = Hypermethylated = cannot be transcribed
Cancer tissue
Promoter of Tumor Suppressor genes = Hypermethylated = cannot be transcribed
Promotor of Oncogenes = Hypomethylated = can be transcribed