Prayer - is an act of communication by humans with the sacred or holy god
Prayer - is a personal faith to god
Prayer - it is a loving conscious personal relationship with god are all loving father who has adopted us through the beloved son jesuschrist in the holy spirit
Prayer is......
Praying novena to our favorite and popular saints
Participating in popular devotional practices
Visiting shrines
Joining pilgrimages
Attending mass
Worshipping god as a community of prayer services and meeting
Praying to god alone
Types of prayer
Adorationprayer - we adore god our creator who made all things possible
Thanksgivingprayer - we thank god host love for us is boundless and immeasurable
Petitionprayer - we raise god all our needs and what we hope for
Contritionprayer - we ask god through jesus the divine savior for forgiveness
Offering - we offer god all our thoughts words or deeds and are whole being