describe first phase of meiosis
In the S-phase of the interphase before meiosis begins, DNA replication takes place.
Chromosomes are replicated and these copies are attached to each other at the centromere.
The attached chromosome and its copy are known as sister chromatids.
DNA supercoils and chromosomes condense
-nuclear membrane dissolves
- centrioles migrate to the poles of the cell.
- Crossing-over between chrimosomes can take place. This results in recombination of alleles and is a source of genetic variation in gametes
-bivalents line up at the equator
- Random orientation occurs - each bivalent aligns independently and hence the daughter nuclei get a different mix of chromosomes.
This is a significant source of genetic variation: there are 2n possible orientations in metaphase I and II. That is 223 in humans - or 8,388,068 different combinations in gametes!
- Homologous pairs are separated and pulled to opposing poles.
- This is the reduction division - the bivalent is split and half the chromosomes move towards each pole.
New nuclei membrane forms