Radioactive decay is when an unstablenucleus changes to become more stable and gives out radiation
Activity is the rate at which decay occurs measure in becquerels ( Bq )
Count rate is the number of decays recorded each second by a Geiger-Mullertube
Unstable nuclei give out radiation to make themselves more stable . This random process is called radioactive decay
If a source of radioactive nuclei is very unstable it will have a high activity for example 1,000,000 Bq . This means 1,000,000 nuclei are decaying each second etc.
The activity of a radioactive source can be plotted against time . Over time the activity decreases this is because there are fewer and fewer unstable nuclei left to decay as unstable nuclei eventually turn into stable nuclei.
In radioactive decay the mass of an alpha nucleus is decreased by 4
In radiactive decay the mass of an beta nucleus is decreased by 0
In radiactive decay the mass of a gamma nucleus is not decreased
In radioactive decay the alpha particle has a positive charge reduced by -2
In radioactive decay the beta particle has a positive charge increased by 1
The Geiger muller tube is used to detect nuclear radiation