a sequence of steps that can be carried out to complete a task
breaking a problem into a number of sub-problems, so that each subproblem accomplishes an identifiable task, which might itself be further subdivided
the process of removing unnecessary detail from a problem
Efficiency of an Algorithm
the time taken for a computer to complete an algorithm
Algorithm Efficiency
visually which takes more step
can depend on input values
Sorting Algorithms
a set of instructions used to put a list of values into order
Searching Algorithms
used to find a value within a list, or to confirm that value is not present in the list
Examples of Sorting Algorithms
merge sort
bubble sort
Examples of Searching Algorithms
linear search
binary search
Merge Sort - Summary
divide & conquer approach - split up data into individual lists + merge them back together in order
Merge Sort - Steps
divide the list of elements into 2 two separate sublists - repeatedly split in half until all elements are separated
each pair of lists are merged together
the numbers in the lists are compared and sorted into order of ascending
repeat the process until all elements are in order
recompile list
Advantages of Merge Sorts
more efficient with large lists of values
Disadvantages of Merge Sorts
slower for smaller lists
requires additional memory
Bubble Sort - Steps
compare first 2 items of dataset
if they are in the wrong order - swap the items
repeat for each pair of values
once the last pair of items have been compared - the first pass of the bubble sort is complete
When does a Bubble Sort end?
when a pass is completed without any swaps taking place
Advantages of Bubble Sorts
easy/simple to implement
does not require much memory
Disadvantages of Bubble Sorts
poor for efficiency
Linear Search
inspecting each item of the list in turn to check if it is the desired value
return if desired value is found
next item needs to be checked if not found
Linear Search - Advantages
works with any list of values
data does not need to be in order
Linear Search - Disadvantages
less efficient on large lists
Binary Search - Steps
find midpoint of dataset
if the middle found is the one being searched for - algorithm finishes
if mid value<value to be found - list divided in half - lower half is discarded
if mid value>value to be found - upper half is discarded
search moves to the middle of remaining items
When does Binary Search end?
a match is made / no more items to be found
Binary Search - Advantages
more efficient than linear search on a large dataset
Binary Search - Disadvantages
dataset must be sorted into order
whole numbers - used for counting or storing quantities
numbers which may have a decimal/fractional part
only ever store true or false values - used to indicate result of condition
stores a collection of characters - typically used for names/textual information
a single item from character set
used to store a single piece of data
What happens when a Variable is first defined?
programming language allocates a small area of memory to store this data
the name of a variable or constant - meaningful: purpose of variable should be obvious to another programmer/user
used to store a single piece of data - has a fixed value - cannot change during the running of the program
giving a value to a variable or constant - variable can be assigned a value multiple times - constant can only be assigned a value once (start of program)
construct used to make decisions in a program - based on boolean conditions
Implementing Selection
IF/ENDIF statement
construct used to repeat sections of code (looping)
execution of statements one after the other in order