Charles Dickens and the poor
- dickens was extremely empathetic towards the poor and their suffering
- dickens himself grew up in poverty -> he first hand experienced the mistreatment and exploration of the poor
- he was passionate about giving the poor a voice through his fictional novellas
- he was a social critic who understood that the poor was mistreated not because of laziness, but because of the abuse of authoritarian powers
- critic G.K Chesterton characterised Dickens as "the spokesman of the poor"
- ACC was written by dickens in response to the children's employment commission which covered the dehumanising and exploitative conditions children were subject to in the victorian era
- he first wrote a pamphlet to try and spread awareness about the plight of the poor
- he then turned this into a novella as he was aware that his fictional tales would galvanise more support for the poor as it would reach a larger readership