Black saturday

Cards (23)

  • when did it occur
    7th feb - 14th march 2009
  • how many fires were recorded?
  • where did they occur
    Victoria, Australia (South)
  • how many towns were effected

    78, including kinglake, strathewen, maryville and flowerville which were completely destroyed
  • how many hectares of land were burnt

    2.2million hectares
  • what conditions led to the extremity of the fires?

    extremely high temps (peaked at 46'C)
    lack of rain for 2 months
    intense preheating of vegetation = huge fuel source
    positive iod = cool ocean temps, less evap, condensation off west coast australia, low amounts of rain, large fuel source of vegetation
    low pressure depression = caused extreme winds of 120km/h
    wind directions constantly changing on 7th = difficult prediction for those who thought they were safe
    ignition sources = fallen power lines, arson and lightning
  • list some primary impacts

    173 died (120 in kinglake alone)
    >1million animals dead
    1.1mil hec of land burnt
    11,800 livestock lost
    62,000 hec of pasture lost
  • how did eucalyptus trees enhance the fires

    they oil they contain in the leaves would heat and spit the fires
  • secondary impacts
    cost $4.4billion
    $1.2million insurance claims = caused profit warnings for insurance companies nearly causing bankruptcy
    raise in cases of alcoholism, drug abuse and gambling in bushfire survivors
  • pre event responses
    fire breaks implemented in attempt to control fires
    CFA updated fire index to 200% and firefighters were on high alert
    families have preplanned evacuation routes, safe houses and defensible spaces
    bottom up approach - population protect themselves
    people aware where to check for updates and news (adaptive and predictive mindset)
    lived experience from previous fires
  • immediate responses
    CFA broadcast warnings on the radio, internet and tv
    some warning were not broadcast due to technical and human error, leaving people believing they were safe when they should be evacuating
    residents put their evacuation plans to use and travelled early to safe houses, many were too late to travel
    19,000 fire fighters battled numerous fires across the state
  • long term responses
    australia bushfire policy was investigated, 67 recommendations to prepare better for future, educate population
    new building laws implimented, no building in high-risk zones
    electricity company sued for over $400million in relation to the kinglake fires
    2 youths charged with arson, but did not try in court as seen to be unfit due to intellectual disabilities
  • Black Saturday is what the 7th February is now known as due to the devastating bush fires which occurred, on this day the weather conditions were the worst recorded- extreme heat, high winds, low humidity and severe drought were all factors in fanning then flames. These fires have caused the greatest loss of life of all bush fires

    Describe the even that was Black Saturday
  • A cause has not yet been identified due to the uneven distribution of the fires. It is however believed that they may have had many separate causes- Arson, fallen power lines, lightening strikes and sparks from machinery

    What was the direct cause of the wildfires which occurred on Black Saturday?
  • From 2001-2009, Southern Australia experience a once in 1000 years drought. During this period there was little rainfall, little moisture means that there is no moisture in the vegetation so it burns more easily
    How did drought affect the severity of the wildfires?
  • In January 2009 a heatwave hit Southern Australia- temperatures reached 48 degrees celsius. This was caused by a slow moving high pressure system that settled over the Tasman sea, with a combination of an intense tropical low pressure located off the North West Australian coast . This meant that hot air was directed North blowing over the Australian outback. This meant that any moisture in the vegetation was evaporated by the high temperatures and the drying effect of the wind. This produces tinder-dry vegetation which is highly flammable and acts as a fuel for the wildfire. The pressure systems then later moved changing the direction of the wind
    Describe the high pressure system which was present on Black Saturday
  • Victoria is covered in eucalyptus forests which are oil rich and therefore easily burn. As well as this, the Summer months often feature periods of very hot weather and with low humidity the area also suffers from droughts. Adding to this was the pressure system which was in place on Black Saturday

    Why was the vulnerability high in Victoria?
  • 173 deaths
    3500 properties destroyed
    7000 people were displaced
    450 000 hectares of forest was destroyed
    1 million deaths of animals
    $4.4 million worth of damage- the largest component being insurance which equated to $1.2 million
    What were the impacts of the Victoria Wildfires?
  • A new fire hazard replaced the old one in 2009 which would forecast an outlook for the Fire Danger Index by considering predicted weather. Also, new building regulations in bush fire prone areas were fast tracked by the government

    What were the responses to the Black Saturday wildfires?
  • Flammable vegetation is removed by controlled burning which reduces the amount of fuel available to the fire. It can also be managed using fire breaks where a strip of vegetation is removed so that the fire can't spread over vast areas of land

    How is vegetation managed to reduce the risk of wildfires in Australia?
  • The gaps between buildings are increased and fire resistant materials are used for construction, such as; stone rather than wood. Spark arresters are also fitted in chimneys so no hot ash is able to rise up out of the chimney and start a fire
    How is the build environment managed to reduce the risk of wildfires in Australia?
  • Fire risks can be modelled, this involves studying the ways in which wildfires spread and behave. This is done by using data from past fires to create computer models which are then used to distinguish the direction in which a wildfire will travel and the area of land that it will affect, so the necessary warnings can be issued
    How is modelling used to reduce the risk of wildfires in Australia?
  • Educating the community is key to managing wildfires- people need to know the causes of the fires so that they can modify their activities and take precautions in order to prevent wildfires from occurring. For example, around 70% of national park staff in Victoria are trained in fire fighting roles

    How is education and community programmes used to reduce the risk of wildfires in Australia?