
Cards (14)

  • How many kings did Sparta have?
    Sparta always had two kings, one each from the two ruling dynasties: the Eurypontids and the Agiads.
  • Who were the ruling families thought to be descended from?
    These ruling families were thought to be descended from Herakles, the
    Greek hero famous for his superhuman strength, who became the god of the gymnasium.
  • What where the roles of the kings in the military?
    The kings were the leaders of the military, and one would always lead
    the army on campaign, leaving the other behind in Sparta to govern. The kings were also religious leaders, responsible for performing rituals and sacrifices for the gods, like priests.
  • Who was exempt from the agoge?
    Princes were exempt from the agoge. We don’t know much about their education or training.
  • Why didn't kings have absolute authority?
    The council of gerousia had greater authority on more matters than the kings. There was also a group of men called ephors (literally translated as “overseers”) who would scrutinise the performance of the kings. If they did a bad job, they could vote to put him on trial and remove him from office.
  • Where would kings lead from?
    On campaign, the kings would lead from the frontlines, shoulder to shoulder with their men.
  • What happened if a king died in battle?
    If they died in battle, they would be honoured as a hero, and a senior officer known as a taxiarch would take over.
  • Who was in charge in the Spartan army?
    The king was in charge and everyone had to obey him without question.
  • Who were taxiarchs?
    Taxiarchs were senior military officers, who were directly responsible to the king. They may have acted as advisors, or simply made sure that his orders were carried out.
  • How was the Spartan army divided up?
    The Spartan army was divided into large regiments (mora). Each regiment was divided into small subdivisions, each of which had their own commander. These commanders ensured that the orders of the king were followed.
  • What did the oath of Plataea state?
    “I will not desert my taxiarch or the leader of my enomotia, whether he is alive or dead, and I shall not leave the battlefield unless our king leads us away”
  • How the Perioikoi contribute to the Spartan army?
    During war, they could be called upon to act as an auxiliary army. They would don hoplite armour and fight in their own phalanxes. They would also use their crafting skills to repair weapons and armour on campaign.
  • How would helots contribute to the Spartan army during wartime?
    On campaign they would serve as cooks, equipment carriers and message runners. They could also fight as lightly armoured troops. They wouldn’t have hoplite armour, but they could play a similar role to poor men in the Athenian army, fighting with swords, or throwing javelins and stones.
  • What might motivate a helot to fight for Sparta?
    Fear and the chance of earning their freedom and becoming a neodamodes.