theme b pre

Cards (27)

  • abortion
    deliberate ending of a pregnancy , intended to prevent new life
  • after life
    beliefs about what happens to 'us' after our body has died
  • animal rights 

    belief that animals should be treated with respect due to respect of life. rights to adequate food / water / shelter /freedom
  • awe
    sense of wonderment , often of reverence with a link to god
  • Big Bang theory
    scientific theory of the origins of the universe and the universe was created in a huge explosion
  • Charles Darwin
    the man who put forward the theory of evolution in the 19th century
  • evolution
    changing charecteristics of a population over time
  • creation
    belief that god created the universe from nothing
  • conception
    point at which sperm fertilises an egg to begin pregnancy
  • conservation
    the practice of repairing /protecting the natural environment and animal species
  • dominion
    belief that humans have the right to control all of creation and take charge of the world
  • environment
    the world around us
  • euthanasia
    mercy killing, ending the life of a person who is terminally ill or has degenerative illness. either voluntary - persons seeks this or non voluntary - person is on life support so family makes decision. active / passive methods
  • fossil fuels
    coal oil gas fuels that developed over millions of years beneath the earths surface
  • hospice
    place of medical care for the dying but which also gives emotional support to the dying and their families.
  • hypotheis
    a proposed explantation of something
  • natural selection
    one of the basic mechanisms of evolution
  • natural resources 

    resources which are found in nature fossil fuels plants
  • pesticide
    chemicals used to kill pests , especially on farmed crops
  • pro life
    stance of being anti abortion and or anti euthanasia , many pressure groups exist with this view
  • pro choice
    stance of it being a woman's right to decide what happens to her own body , which extends the right to have an abortion
  • right to die
    belief that a human has the right to end their life or seek it to be anded if they want that
  • quality of life
    how good or comfortable a persons life is
  • sanctity of life
    belief that life is sacred/ special because it was created by god or because we are each unique individuals
  • science
    knowledge that comes from observed regularity of the universe and experimentation
  • stewardship
    duty given by god to mankind to look after the created world and all life within it
  • sustainable energy
    resources that are renewable and will not run out eg solar or wind