Act of Parliament that brought other acts together
Sentencing Act 2020
Contained a sentencing code, doesn't replace anything under the CJA but gives one act of parliament to reference.
5 main aims (where were they laid out, Act of Parliament + Section)
S142 Criminal Justice Act 2003
Amended by S57 of the Sentencing Act 2020
5 main aims (what were they)
Protection of the Public
Reduction of crime
Punishment aims
Punishing the offender for the offence they have committed through retribution and denunciation.
Ensure that D is punished to the same extent as the harm they enacted - Revenge and justice for the victim.
Comes from the biblical saying "an eye for an eye".
Ensures D gets their 'just deserts
Punishment must be proportionate to the crime, unless there is a 'moral outrage' where society condemns the behaviour.
E.g. case of Sarah Payne, pedophile kidnapped a child and was put on a sex offenders register due to moral outrage (name and shame).
Protection of the public
To completely incapacitate someone fully, removing ability to offend. Achieved in two ways based on severity.
Serious crimes protection
Whole life order, long prison terms, removal from society.
Less serious crimes protection
Tag/curfew, restraining order.
Reduction of crime
To prevent future crime from occurring, deter individuals from offending. In two ways: individual deterrence, general deterrence.
Individual deterrence
Only affects the offender. Deters from committing further offences. E.g. Suspended sentence
Individual deterrence juveniles
'Short sharp shock', by Margret Thatcher, military detention centre.
General deterrence
Fear of punishment, where others are deterred. E.g. harsh sentences, in the London Riots, sentences were 1/3 higher than normal.
E.g. Harper's law, life imprisonment for killing a service worker.
To change/reform behaviour to make a person law abiding
Rehabilitation examples
E.g. CBT (cognitive behaviour theory), re-educate morally and academically. Token economy systems. Orders from courts, drug treatment + testing order (DTTO)
Repair damage, restorative justice. Achieved in two ways: To victim, to society.
Letter of apology or meet victim
Communication occurs to give victim closure, shows remorse
Community order, Giving back to community, paying back.
Aggravating factors
Increases sentence.
E.g. Weapon, intoxication, premeditation, previous sentence.