Discoveredtheanaestheticpropertiesofchloroformand used itforsurgeriestopreventpain
John Snow
Edward Chadwick
His writingsled to the PublicHealthAct of 1848 in which the government began to acknowledge some responsibility for upholding the healthofthepopulation
They started to cleanstreets and sewers for betterhygiene
Discoveredgerm theory. Germ theory isthatmicroorganisms and pathogenscauseillness and disease
John Snow
He took the handle of one of the waterpumps people were using in an area of London where cases were the highest and people stoppedgettingsick. This encouraged the government to invest in anewsewagesystem.
Robert Koch
Took Pasteur's ideas further and identified the bacteria that were causing diseases
Robert Koch discovered the bacteria that caused tuberculosis in 1882
Caused severediarrhoea and sickness so people would die within 2-6 days of dehydration
Cholera arrived
By 1832 there were 5275 deaths from cholera
Cowpox virus
After being infected, the body gains the ability to recognize the similar smallpox virus from its antigens and is able to fight the smallpox disease much more efficiently
Joseph Lister
Discovered antiseptic, carbolic acid, which disinfects wombs to prevent infections which would usually kill the patient
Learnt how to cleantools that people used for surgery to preventinfection