Brain structure and aggression

Cards (7)

  • Brain has 2 hemispheres ( joined by corpus callosum )
    Brain works contralaterally
  • Pre frontal cortex - personality, governs social interactions + regulates behaviour
    damage = less activation = lack of self control + impulsive
  • Hypothalamus - homeostasis through regeneration of hormones - testosterone
  • Amygdala - part of flight or fight response
    if damaged can perceive threats = aggression
  • Localisation - completing tasks - part of brain being used need more glucose to perform the function - tracking glucose levels to see which bits of brain used
  • Phineas Gage
    13th September 1848
    explosives at a new railway being built sent a Tampa Road through his brain
    went through his right head and out his left cheek
    Lost the use of left eye
    Fully functional human - displayed aggressive behaviour
    prefrontal cortex damaged
    Memory still intact
  • Evaluation -
    • raine -41 impulsive, violent murderers and 41 control - PET brain scans different - BIOLOGICAL EXPLANATION FOR DIFFERENT IN AGGRESSION AS THE GENES PEOPLE HAVE POSE DIFFERENT REIGN ACTIVATION LEVELS.
    • Pardini used FMRI scans finding a negative correlation between aggression and amygdala volumes
    • cannot conduct experiments on humans - hard to establish cause and effect relationship
    • Giamanco found increase in testosterone are related to more aggressive behaviour in several species of male animals